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高校资讯 改革发展 教学改革 学生培养 产学研合作 科研发展 科学大装置

教学改革 共计 3 条信息

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1 2023-10-23

The first set of campus projects selected to recognize and celebrate the University of Wisconsin’s 175th anniversary includes aspeaker series,a glass exhibit and acollection of specimen models.The 175th anniversary celebration focuses on the impact and reach of the Wisconsin Idea and the accomplishments of those 175 years.A Wisconsin botanical foray–175 years of continuous plant collecting across the Badger State Ken Cameron,the Wisconsin State Herbarium,$1,000 The Wisconsin State Herbarium at UW–Madison celebrated 175 years of plant collecting across the Badger State with an anniversary botanical foray held in Marinette County over the summer.Citizen scientists,students,faculty and staff from across the Universities of Wisconsin(formerly UW System)gathered together over along weekend to document the flora of this under-explored area of Wisconsin.The group collected,pressed and dried more than 1,000 scientific plant specimens;each will be marked with acommemorative stamp before their accession into the permanent collection of the State Herbarium.Natural history collections like these have been apart of the UW’s educational,research and outreach efforts since its founding and remain at the center of its core mission in arapidly changing world.Present Tense:A decade of UW Glass Helen Lee,UW Glass Lab(Art Department),$1,000 An alumni exhibition titled Glass Madison:The Sixth Decade of UW Glass will span multiple galleries on campus and present asurvey of contemporary glass practice in aresearch-based,interdisciplinary arts environment.These exhibitions accompany an intercollegiate symposium and public programming(also under the name of Glass Madison).Collectively,these efforts diversify the narrative of glass at UW–Madison:They explore how glass serves research-based arts practices today,and they bridge these practices back to historical precedents of the pivotal role glass has played in establishing UW–Madison as aresearch institution on the global stage. 查看详细>>

来源:威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 点击量: 61

2 2022-07-11

Liberal Studies students attending College of Menominee Nation(CMN)will continue to have an easy path to transfer to the University of Wisconsin–Madison thanks to arenewed agreement between the two institutions.In June,leaders from across UW–Madison traveled to CMN to meet with President Christopher Caldwell,Interim Dean of Letters&Science Lucy Fenzl,and other CMN leadership;and to and tour the college located on the Menominee Indian Reservation.During the visit,Interim Chancellor Karl Scholz joined President Caldwell for the signing of the latest iteration of the transfer agreement.“We look forward to arobust partnership at CMN.I wish to extend my gratitude to President Caldwell and his colleagues for their outstanding work at CMN and for our partnership to create mutually beneficial opportunities for the students we serve,”says Interim Chancellor Scholz.The contract allows aqualified students to begin postsecondary education as afreshman at CMN and be guaranteed admission as atransfer student at UW–Madison after completing three academic years,or 60 transferable credits.“We strive to make sure that our students are set up for success.Articulation agreements like this are one way we can give our students apathway to afulfilling educational experience that aligns with their true goals and passions.”says CMN President Caldwell,a UW–Madison alumnus,who was one of the first transfer students from CMN on the first articulation agreement with the university in 2002.“We expect to see many students taking advantage of our agreement with UW–Madison.”The renewal marks the third time the historic contract has been signed between CMN and UW–Madison,with the first campus-to-campus agreement taking place in 2007.CMN is one of 32 tribally controlled community colleges in the United States and is known as anational leader in sustainable development.In 2020 and 2021,UW–Madison and CMN also partnered together alongside Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College on afirst-ever triple partnership between the three institutions for aUSDA NIFA New Beginnings for Tribal Students grant to create educational pathways to the three land grant institutions.The Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies has played an instrumental role in building the collaborative partnership with CMN.Leaders used the visit as an opportunity to discuss how the two institutions can work together to build sustained collaborative programming for both Madison and CMN students and,in future,to provide steady pathways for Native American students to UW–Madison,where they will feel included and welcome.The visit also included stops at the CMN Sustainable Development Institute,weekly Farmer’s Market,and the library’s special collections,which houses original papers for the Determination of Rights and Unity for Menominee Stockholders(DRUMS)organization that worked to successfully end Termination and Assimilation as federal Indian Policy in the U.S.and re-established Menominee Nation as afederally recognized American Indian Nation. 查看详细>>

来源:威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 点击量: 0

3 2021-05-26

The new research effort,called the UW Center for Health Disparities Research(CHDR),launched in April.As its name implies,center investigators will focus on how physical environment and social conditions intersect to influence an individual’s health.Researchers will aim to identify new therapies,precision medicine approaches and other interventions,“UW–Madison is deeply committed to advancing research towards the elimination of health disparities,”she said.“To do this,we need to understand why disparities happen—get to the roots of their mechanisms.”An initial centerpiece of the center is The Neighborhood Atlas,which Kind developed in 2018 to examine the health impacts of physical and social environment to the neighborhood level.To date,the Atlas has been accessed more than 250,000 times.The data have been used by health systems,policy makers,researchers,and industry leaders to guide real world decisions,including the targeting of COVID-19 vaccination allocations across anumber of states as ameans to mitigate disparities,Kind said.The center’s primary offices will be located at University Hospital in Madison,but it is organizationally housed in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health.The center will also be led by Barbara Bendlin,PhD,deputy director and professor of medicine,and Andrea Gilmore-Bykovskyi,PhD,RN,deputy director,and assistant professor at the UW–Madison School of Nursing. 查看详细>>

来源:威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 点击量: 3

