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改革发展 共计 3 条信息

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1 2019-11-18

NUS is collaborating with the People’s Government of Guangzhou Municipality and the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Administration Committee(GKC)to establish the NUS Guangzhou Research Translation and Innovation Institute(NUSGRTII)in Guangzhou,China.This is NUS’third overseas research institute,after the NUS(Suzhou)Research Institute and the Tianjin University-NUS Joint Institute in Fuzhou.Located within Ascendas OneHub Guangzhou Knowledge City,and funded by the Guangzhou governments with support from local industry partners,the Institute leverages the strengths of the three parties to support the technology needs of Guangzhou city and China’s Greater Bay Area initiative.NUSGRTII will collaborate in areas such as sustainable cities,smart societies,advanced manufacturing,infocomm technology and artificial intelligence(AI),and it is expected to be operational by the second half of 2020.Professor Freddy Boey,NUS Deputy President(Innovation&Enterprise),Mr Chen Zhiying,Member of Standing Committee of CPC Guangzhou Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Guangzhou,and Mr Chen Yong,Director-General,The People’s Government of Huangpu District,Guangzhou and Standing Deputy Director,Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Development District,signed acollaboration framework agreement on 18 November during the 10th Singapore-Guangdong Collaboration Council meeting in Guangzhou. 查看详细>>

来源:新加坡国立大学 点击量: 32

2 2019-01-21

US has launched anew$12 million centre to carry out cutting-edge research aimed at managing the fundamental trade-off between the usefulness of accessible information and the risk of privacy breaches.Funded by the National Research Foundation Singapore,the NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies(N-CRiPT)will design and develop privacy-preserving technologies to protect the privacy of individuals and organisations in aholistic manner throughout the data life cycle,from collection and curation to processing and sharing.Speaking at the launch of the Centre on 15 January,Mr Yeong Zee Kin,Assistant Chief Executive(Data Innovation and Protection),Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore and Deputy Commissioner,Personal Data Protection Commission,reiterated the common expression that“data is the new oil”.“We are not turning back the clock.We will not be going back to the days when we used less data.We will not be going back to the days when we used less technology.The volume of data will continue to grow.The volume of data that we store will continue to grow.So how best do we find anew way forward to safeguard the data that we have and to also ensure that we get the best value out of the data that we are sitting on?”said Mr Yeong,adding that from this perspective,the work being done at N-CRiPT is going to be very important. 查看详细>>

来源:新加坡国立大学 点击量: 18

3 2018-09-05

A new home for innovation.05 September 2018 Research Share Tweet Mr Heng(3rd from left),together with Prof Tan(far left)and Senior Vice President(Graduate Education&Research Translation)Prof Freddy Boey(4th from left)viewing the research of one of the GRIP awardees The NUS Smart Nation Research Cluster has anew home.Officially launched on 4September by Guest-of-Honour Minister for Finance and Chairman of the National Research Foundat... 查看详细>>

来源:新加坡国立大学 点击量: 0

