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学生培养 共计 3 条信息

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1 2023-07-30

Galassia-2,a 4-kg nanosatellite designed and built by ateam of students and researchers from the National University of Singapore(NUS)has been successfully launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Southern India,on 30 July 2023 at 9am(Singapore time).The satellite was deployed by the polar satellite launch vehicle of the Indian Space Research Organisation.This is the fourth satellite from NUS that has been successfully delivered to space.The nanosatellite was conceptualised in 2017 by around 20 multidisciplinary Final Year Project(FYP)students from Innovation and Design Programme(iDP)and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering under the NUS College of Design and Engineering.The project is supported by the Engineering Design and Innovation Centre(EDIC),Satellite Technology And Research Centre(STAR),and the Centre for Remote Imaging,Sensing and Processing(CRISP)at NUS.Galassia-2 aims to conduct remote sensing for agriculture and environmental change using amultispectral camera on board.The satellite is expected to remain operational for between six months and ayear. 查看详细>>

来源:新加坡国立大学 点击量: 1

2 2022-12-28

More than 300 students from secondary schools and pre-university institutions discussed global developments and issues at the Global Youth Leaders’Summit(GYLS)hosted by the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences(FASS),where they took on the roles of UN delegates and formed councils to debate on topics such as innovation,nation-building and conflict resolution.Organised by the Singapore chapter of Dear Asian Youth,a youth-led global organisation promoting intersectional activism and solidarity with other marginalised communities,the summit brought together students from across Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand and India from 17 to 19 December.The second edition was themed Ego Te Provoco,meaning‘I Challenge You’in Latin,encouraging youth to step out of their comfort zones to rise up and meet challenges as well as draw on their experiences to create tangible change.This is the first time the event was held in person after being held virtually last year.Addressing the summit’s theme at the opening ceremony,Professor Yaacob Ibrahim,former Minister of Muslim Affairs and Professor in Practice at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS,reflected on his decades of experience as an elected politician and shared the highlights and challenges of his various ministry portfolios.Prof Yaacob said,"We have relied on the ingenuity and dedication of the previous generation to bring us to where we are today.The next generation needs to continue on that path,seeking innovative solutions to problems unique for their generation.”Echoing Prof Yaacob’s advice to the students,keynote speaker Assoc Prof Robin Loon from NUS English,Linguistics and Theatre Studies,encouraged them to constantly explore multiple perspectives.He said,“We not only need to have in-depth knowledge of our chosen domain and field.Insight into other disciplines is critical as that can help unpack the dense and complex issues we are facing today.What we need is empathy,understanding(and)attentive listening.”“We can develop the ability to create solutions as acollective of experts,while acknowledging differences and critically reflecting on ourselves,and learn to sit with our discomfort when faced with difficult choices,”he added. 查看详细>>

来源:新加坡国立大学 点击量: 0

3 2022-03-17

Even in the middle of apandemic,or perhaps because of it,it is important to celebrate the contributions of the NUS community–this was the refrain at the University Awards 2021 ceremony held on 17 March.Eight outstanding educators,researchers and professionals were honoured for their contributions to the University,Singapore and the global community.The University Awards represent NUS’highest tribute to excellence in educating and nurturing talent,advancing knowledge and fostering innovation,and contributing to country and society.Speaking at the ceremony,which was held at the Regent Singapore this year and webcast live,NUS Senior Deputy President and Provost Professor Ho Teck Hua said,“To all our award recipients,I convey my heartiest congratulations.Today’s celebration is areminder that even in apandemic,your work has continued at the highest levels.”“Your dedication to pursuing your passions,honing your craft,and reaching for excellence serves as an inspiration to us all.”In his speech,Professor Ho also touched on the bold initiatives that NUS is leading in the areas of education,research,and innovation and enterprise,as well as its sustained investment in talent. 查看详细>>

来源:新加坡国立大学 点击量: 10

