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学生培养 共计 3 条信息

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1 2023-10-08

The University of Hong Kong(HKU)has partnered with Dr Wong How Man,a world-renowned explorer and founder of the China Exploration and Research Society(CERS),to establish the"Wong How Man Centre for Exploration"(the Centre)at the University of Hong Kong.Being the first among local universities,the Centre is aone-of-its-kind institute dedicated at nourishing students‘curiosity,courage and creativity through exploration.Both HKU and the Centre share the ambition of enhancing students‘understanding of the real world and encouraging them to engage in diverse research and learning experiences through the spirit of exploration.Throughout the academic year,the Centre will organize aseries of experiential exploratory activities and public lectures for HKU students.Additionally,the Centre will arrange field visits to centres and conservation project sites of CERS throughout Asia.On October 4,Dr Wong How Man delivered the inaugural public lecture on campus,titled"Exploration&Education:From 20th to 21st Century”.Dr Wong recounted his 50-year exploration journey,including leading multiple expeditions to China‘s border regions and neighboring areas,as well as terrestrial,maritime,and cave exploration experiences in China and Southeast Asia.The lecture was well-received by hundreds of students and staff.“The exploration programmes and experience offered by the Centre will sow the seeds of curiosity and spirit of exploration among our students,and offer them new perspectives to look at the world”,says Professor Xiang Zhang,HKU President and Vice-Chancellor.“Show me athree-year old child and Ishow you an explorer”,said Dr Wong,who believes that each individual should stay as curious as achild.In 2002,Time Magazine selected Dr Wong How Man as one of the"25 Asian Heroes."Recognized as China‘s most accomplished contemporary explorer,he has previously worked for National Geographic Magazine and led numerous large-scale exploration projects,including one that successfully located the source of the Yangtze River,that have received significant international media coverage. 查看详细>>

来源:香港大学 点击量: 24

2 2020-11-12

The Faculty of Science of The University of Hong Kong(HKU)is introducing anew double degree programmme,the 6688 Science Master Class in academic year 2021-22,allowing talented students to complete 2degrees in 4years–a Bachelor of Science(BSc)and aMaster of Research(MRes)from HKU.This elite programme caters specifically to the needs of science-inclined students,with Science Masters(renowned scientists in the Faculty)helping students achieve their scholastic potential in science.One of the best ways to learn is to be inspired from those who excel.This programme allows research-aspired students to immerse themselves in an authentic research environment and learn from researchers from diverse backgrounds,incubating the next generation of dynamic scientists who are able to translate scientific knowledge into practical applications with far-and wide-reaching impacts.We have renowned scientists including Members of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hong Kong Academy of Sciences,Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences,International Members of National Academy of Sciences USA,Foreign Member of Academia Europaea,awardees of State Natural Science Awards and anumber of highly cited scientists.“We understand the learning pace and needs of highly able students might be different–they are quick learners who can usually accomplish more than expected,which astandard pedagogical routine might not be an ideal option for them.Skills alone would not make one succeed.It is the attitude,visions and efforts that set one’s direction.Learning from our Grand Masters and Masters,our top scholars who have exceptional accomplishments in their research areas,will definitely help our students broaden their horizon and establish personal network,facilitating their pursuit of research career in the future,”said Professor Matthew Evans,Dean of Faculty of Science. 查看详细>>

来源:香港大学 点击量: 17

3 2018-07-01

The HAVE,U Can Programme,funded by the University Grants Committee(UGC)to enhance university students’holistic competencies,was successfully completed on June 8,2018(Friday).The programme was led by Dr Cecilia Chan,Head of Professional Development at the University of Hong Kong(HKU),collaborated with the Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong Baptist University,Lingnan University and the Education University of Hong Kong.Two hundred students from the six universities participated in the five-day-four-night programme.“This is the biggest and the longest cross-institutional programme across universities in Hong Kong.The idea is for the students to work together to develop different competencies that we often find it difficult to integrate into our day-to-day curriculum.Because they get achance to live together,they will get to know each other very well and that would be the kind of friendship that can last forever.We need to ensure that our students are not just academically brilliant but are all rounded and have positive attitude and values,have heart,”said Dr Chan.A series of activities were conducted to enhance students’holistic competencies and virtues.Students gained residential hall experience,took part in atalent show,and were challenged to formulate entrepreneurial solutions for current adolescent problems.On the second last day of the programme,students were invited to join the High Table Dinner,a traditional event in HKU.The High Table Dinner was hosted in the College Hall at the HKU Jockey Club Student Village III.Professor James Tang,Secretary-General of UGC and representatives from all six collaborating universities were invited to celebrate the success of the Programme,while more than ahundred employers and institution leaders from Hong Kong and Asia joined the dinner to provide career advice and industry insights to programme participants.The dinner began with opening speeches from representatives from each university and Programme Leader Dr Cecilia Chan.All university representatives acknowledged the significance of holistic competencies development in higher education,and recognised the aspirations and impact of the Programme.In her speech,Dr Chan thanked collaborating universities for their time and effort,and UGC for their generous support.She elaborated on the aim of the Programme and said:“Our motto of the HAVE,U Can Programme is to‘transform with hearts’.We don’t just want you(participants)to perform well or excellently in academia.We want you to have all the different types of competencies.We want you to consider and appreciate the society.”Dr Chan then presented avideo of recollection of activities from the first three days of the HAVE,U Can Programme.To show appreciation,students presented hand-made knots of hearts to the guests of the High Table Dinner.The knots of hearts,made by the students themsevles,symbolise love and care.After the dinner,Professor James Tang delivered aclosing speech.He expressed his gratitude to all collaborating universities for organising the Programme,and said that the UGC would continue encouraging and supporting pedagogical innovations in Hong Kong.The dinner was concluded with acake-cutting ceremony.A participant of the programme said:“The programme has really given me the opportunity to overcome mental hurdles and enhance self-confidence.”“I have refined my skills in leadership,socialising,and presentation,”said another programme participant.Following the end of the first annual HAVE,U Can Programme,continual efforts will be dedicated to support future programmes.It is hoped that through programmes like this,the importance of holistic competencies for students and institutions can be highlighted,leading to educational and cultural shift towards balancing the importance of holistic competencies with academic knowledge in the near future. 查看详细>>

来源:香港大学 点击量: 0

