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1 2023-03-15

As with many of Caltech‘s time-honored traditions,the annual ME72 Engineering Design Competition pushes students to the limits of possibility.Unlike other Caltech traditions,ME72 involves ball-launching,self-driving,all-terrain robots—which occasionally burst into flames.Every year from September to March,third-year mechanical engineering undergraduates take ME 72,a two-term,hands-on lab course.Advised by instructor Michael Mello(PhD‘12),teaching professor of mechanical and civil engineering,student teams each design and build three robots to participate in aunique competition created by that year‘s teaching assistants(TAs).This year,the"Rubble Rush:Rabblerousing Racquetball Rustlers"competition on March 9challenged five teams of five to seven students to build one mobile robot to collect racquetballs from adispenser,one stationary robot to shoot those balls into goals,and another mobile robot to traverse an obstacle course.Points were awarded for successful goals,and balls worth extra points went to teams whose robots navigated the obstacle course autonomously,without the need for remote control.A round-robin tournament pitted each team‘s robots against one another in four-minute matches,and teams that scored the most points advanced to afinal bracket playoff."I‘ve been surprised by the variety of robots we‘re seeing this year,"said TA Martin Peticco at this year‘s competition.Peticco‘s team won the competition last year."One team is trying to use computer vision to navigate the obstacle course autonomously,and another team is using ultrasonic signals,which work kind of like echolocation."Students gain the necessary technical knowledge in prior mechanical engineering courses at Caltech."ME14 was agood starting ground to learn the basics of the engineering process,"says Jonah Rolfness,from team Purple Prickly Pineapples."ME72 is kind of like abeefed-up version of that."Students begin the class designing their robots in computer-aided design(CAD)software.Then they build prototypes,test,fail,go back to the drawing board,and build again."Every team goes through the forming,storming,norming,and performing stages of group dynamics,"Mello says.Assisted by co-instructor Paul Stovall,lecturer in mechanical engineering and supervisor of the mechanical engineering shop;and Trent Wilson,lab machining assistant;students spend many hours constructing their robots."We advise them on how to manufacture parts,troubleshoot,and fix things that are broken,"Stovall says."Most students spend at least six hours aday in the shop."This time commitment is no easy feat.When asked how long it took to build their three bots,one member from team Candace said it felt like"100 million hours."Though ME72 is known to take over third-year mechanical engineering students‘lives,they come away with invaluable skills."I had an internship last year at OffWorld,a company that builds smart robots for space and mining applications,"says TA Logan Hayes,a fourth-year undergraduate who took the class last year."ME72 was very helpful in preparing me for that and getting experience in the full design process."All the students‘labor came to fruition on March 9.Cheered on by acrowd of Caltech peers and around 40 visiting students from Sierra Madre Middle School,teams faced off on the grassy battlefield of Beckman Mall.Mello and competition announcer Gunnar Ristroph(BS‘06)narrated the play-by-play for the audience.In an energetic start to the day,team MechE Wednesdays faced off against team[REDACTED].MechE Wednesdays employed the unique strategy of parking their shooting robot under the racquetball dispenser,allowing it to collect balls with an extended arm and volley off goal shots immediately.[REDACTED]‘s robots were among the most reliable of the bunch but couldn‘t manage to outscore MechE Wednesdays.In the second match,team Squeezable and Bouncy started off with astrong lead against Purple Prickly Pineapples.But in the middle of play,one of Squeezable and Bouncy‘s robots caught fire and an acrid smell filled the air.A TA swooped in and removed the bot‘s battery to around of applause from the audience.Eighth-grader Angelica Melchor and her classmates enjoyed the action from front-row bleacher seats next to the course."It‘s super cool to see what Caltech students can build,"Melchor said."I‘m on the robotics team at school,and I‘d love to go to Caltech someday and do this competition." 查看详细>>

来源:加州理工学院 点击量: 10

2 2018-10-16

Caltech,in partnership with the Dr.Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society,is launching apilot workshop for graduate students on enhancing science communications with policymakers.The 12-hour workshop,to be held over the course of three days in January,will teach participants how to most effectively convey research results to assist policymakers in their decision-making process.Caltech graduate students are encouraged to apply to participate in the free program,scheduled to run during the week of January 14.The program will include amix of classroom discussions and exercises around the principles of communications and policy,as well as tools to effectively develop and deliver information in meetings with government leaders,legislators,and others.The program will culminate with visits to government offices in Los Angeles and adebrief of the experience."I‘m excited to have the opportunity to share my insights on the interface of science and policy with Caltech students and researchers who want to see their science used,"says Jones,who is anoted seismologist and visiting associate in geophysics.Jones established the Dr.Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society in 2016 with the purpose of creating more resilient communities by fostering abroader understanding and application of scientific information. 查看详细>>

来源:加州理工学院 点击量: 11

