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1 2024-05-09

Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD)cases are predominantly male,with amale-to-female ratio of about 4to 1.However,medical academia has been unable to determine the cause of this gender difference.A recent international study co-led by The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)’s Faculty of Medicine(CU Medicine)and its partners in Europe and the U.S.has made asignificant breakthrough in understanding the skewed sex ratio observed in ASD.The study revealed that the condition’s heritability is higher in males than females by 11 percentage points,meaning that males are more vulnerable to genetic variance related to ASD.Study details have been published in the renowned international journal JAMA Psychiatry.A breakthrough in the understanding of ASD ASD is aneurodevelopmental condition that includes difficulties with communication,social interaction and adjustment to unexpected changes.It is known that this condition is explained more by multigene effects(i.e.additive genetics)than by rare mutations with large effects.Male patients are more likely to be diagnosed compared to females.However,it is unclear why the sex ratio is skewed.For the current study,a population-based analysis was undertaken by an international research team consisting of researchers from CU Medicine,Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in the U.S.,Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and other institutions.They leveraged the anonymised data of the national health registers of non-twin siblings and cousins from Sweden.The participants,born between 1985 and 1998,were followed up to the age of 19.The data analysis,which took place from August 2022 to November 2023,included 1,047,649 individuals across 456,832 families.Researchers employed sophisticated statistical models to estimate the relative variance in ASD risk attributable to sex-specific additive genetics,shared environmental effects and acommon residual term.This residual term conceptually captured other factors promoting individual behavioural variation,including maternal effects(such as preterm birth),rare genetic variants or gene-environment interactions.The estimates were carefully adjusted for differences in prevalence due to birth year and maternal and paternal age.Paving the way for personalised care strategies for individuals with ASD Out of the entire cohort,12,226 cases(1.17%)received an ASD diagnosis,with ahigher prevalence in males(1.51%)than females(0.80%).The heritability of ASD was estimated at 87%for males and 75.7%for females,a difference of approximately 11 percentage points between the sexes.This shows that genetic factors play amore substantial role in the aetiology of male ASD cases,while residual factors have higher influence on female cases.Notably,the study found no evidence of shared environmental contributions to ASD.Professor Benjamin Yip Hon-kei,the corresponding author of the research paper and Associate Professor at CU Medicine’s The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care,stated,“These findings indicate that genetic variability may play amore significant role in males with ASD than females.Our study underscores the importance of considering sex differences in ASD research and treatment,potentially leading to future studies which target the rare mutations in female patients.Therefore,more personalised approaches may be developed to support individuals with ASD,considering their unique genetic makeup.”This research collaboration between CU Medicine and its partners in Europe and the U.S.is atestament to the importance of collaborative,cross-disciplinary efforts in advancing the understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders.Another corresponding author of the research paper,Professor Sven Sandin,Assistant Professor from the Department of Psychiatry of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and also an Applied Biostatistician from the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Karolinska Institutet,concluded,“This study is acrucial step forward in unravelling the complexities of ASD.It not only provides clarity on the genetic predisposition of the condition,but also sets anew direction for global research to include sex-specific analysis.The implications for future studies are profound,as this research could lead to breakthroughs in understanding the nuanced genetic landscape of ASD and other related conditions.” 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 251

2 2023-07-02

The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s(CUHK)Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Rocky S.Tuan led asenior delegation to Beijing from 28 to 30 June,which was their first visit to Beijing in three years following the pandemic.The delegation consisted of 10 people,including Pro-Vice-Chancellor(Strategic Developments)Professor Chan Wai-yee,Pro-Vice-Chancellor(Research)Professor Sham Mai-har,senior management and deans of the Faculties.They visited 11 central ministries and institutions,including the Hong Kong And Macao Affairs Office of the State Council,the Ministry of Education,the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Tsinghua University,Peking University,the Palace Museum,the Beijing Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Talents.The visit fostered cooperation and exchange between the parties and deepened their collaboration in education,as well as cultivating high-calibre international talents and propelling comprehensive sustainable development.During the visit,the University signed four collaboration agreements to pursue new opportunities,including aMemorandum of Understanding(MoU)and an agreement on aspecial exhibition of rare rubbings with The Palace Museum,an MoU with Beijing Municipal Bureau of Talents and an MoU with the National(Zhongguancun)Torch Institute of Science and Technology,which will strength those partnerships and promote diverse cooperation.The CUHK Beijing Centre was also officially established as part of the visit;Professor Tuan,leaders from the Beijing Municipality and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)government’s Beijing Office attended the inauguration ceremony,and participated in aBeijing alumni dinner with more than 280 alumni for the 60th Anniversary of CUHK.Professor Tuan also invited the representatives of the central ministries and institutions to participate in CUHK’s 60th anniversary activities in December.The three-day visit ended successfully.Professor Tuan said,“This is the first CUHK delegation to visit Beijing since the pandemic.During this very fruitful visit,with the support of the Beijing Municipal Government,CUHK Beijing Centre was established.We also briefed the representatives of the central ministries on the progress of the CUHK Strategic Plan 2021-2025 and ongoing mainland partnerships,and successfully established academic and scientific collaborations to deepen the interaction and cooperation among industries,universities and research institutions.With strong mainland support and international connection,CUHK actively seeks to integrate into the strategic development plan of the nation.Guided by the CUHK Strategic Plan 2021-2025,we will join hands with all parties for greater achievements,create more breakthroughs,cultivate and nurture experts and professionals,and realize CUHK’s longstanding mission of‘bringing together China and the West’.”Professor Tuan invited the representatives to participate in the activities celebrating CUHK’s diamond jubilee,congratulating CUHK for opening anew chapter and for truly being where great minds shine for six decades. 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 21

3 2023-05-10

The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s(CUHK)Faculty of Medicine(CU Medicine)led ateam of adozen international experts from the Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology and the Asian Pacific Society of Digestive Endoscopy in 2022 to develop new recommendations for the use of non-invasive biomarkers for colorectal cancer(CRC)screening.The findings have been published in high-impact international medical journal British Medical Journal–Gut.CRC is the second most common cancer in Hong Kong,constituting 15%of all new cancer cases in 2020.The incidence and mortality of CRC are expected to increase in the next few decades,leading to asignificant public health burden.The incidence of and death rates from CRC can be reduced with CRC screening.The Hong Kong government’s Department of Health has run aCRC screening pilot programme since 2016 but less than 15%of the eligible population have been tested to date.Reluctance to undergo colonoscopy and the suboptimal sensitivity of faecal immunochemical tests are key barriers to screening.Non-invasive biomarkers represent anovel method of CRC screening.Non-invasive biomarkers can detect colorectal cancer with high sensitivity Based on analysis of asystematic review of more than 800 medical articles,the research team recommends that the target population for non-invasive biomarkers for CRC screening should include:Individuals of average risk of advanced colorectal neoplasia identified by risk scores who wish to know their risk of adenomas and CRC Individuals at high risk of advanced colorectal neoplasia who are reluctant to undergo colonoscopy Non-invasive biomarkers have the potential to detect CRC and its precursor lesions,and can allow risk stratification of suitable patients for colonoscopy.Current biomarkers for CRC screening include blood-based tumour biomarkers,stool-based tumour biomarkers and stool-based microbial biomarkers.Current blood-based biomarkers can only detect CRC and advanced adenomas with low sensitivity,while stool-based tumour biomarkers can be costly.Stool-based microbial biomarker tests have emerged as asignificant improvement not only in the detection of CRC and adenoma,but also in their sensitivity in detecting recurrent adenomas and allowing for the potential of microbiota modulation to further reduce the risk of CRC.Clinical application of stool-based biomarkers is promising and requires large-scale clinical studies in different populations for widespread implementation.CU Medicine is conducting amulti-centre clinical study in more than 10 countries to validate the findings regarding stool microbial biomarkers for CRC and adenoma detection.Professor Francis KL CHAN,Dean of Medicine and Director of the Centre for Gut Microbiota Research at CU Medicine,said,“Detecting early precursor cancer lesions is important to reduce the CRC burden.Though the faecal immunochemical test(FIT)has been implemented for universal CRC screening,its diagnostic accuracy for detecting precancer lesions remains low.Its use in patients with iron deficiency anaemia or acute diarrhoea is not recommended.The new generation of stool-based and blood-based tumour and microbial biomarkers could increase the sensitivity of CRC diagnosis.”Professor Martin Wong Chi-sang,Director of Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion and Professor in The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care at CU Medicine,said,“Clinical studies have shown that acombination of gut microbial makers composed of the novel Lanchnoclostridium gene marker(m3)has good diagnostic accuracy for both CRC and adenoma detection.”Professor Siew Ng,CU Medicine’s Croucher Professor of Medical Sciences and Director of Microbiota I-Center(MagIC),added,“Emerging evidence suggests that the gut microbiota contributes to the development of CRC and adenomas.By identifying specific bacteria markers related to CRC,we hope to modulate the gut microbiome in high-risk individuals and reduce CRC risk.Maintaining ahealthy gut microbiome is associated with many health benefits.” 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 0

4 2022-12-28

Maternal nutrition and lifestyle habits before and during early pregnancy are important determinants for the foetus’s growth and development.A survey conducted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)’s Faculty of Medicine(CU Medicine)found that half of pregnant women had excessive sodium intake during early pregnancy,with the mean daily intake double that of the World Health Organization(WHO)’s recommendation.In addition,97%of the survey participants did not meet the recommended fibre intake.The survey also showed that the participants had an insufficient intake of important micronutrients such as calcium and iron in their diet.The researchers suggested that pregnant women should increase the frequency with which they consume fresh fruits and vegetables.Also,nutritional supplements should not be regarded as substitutes for healthy diets,and unhealthy dietary patterns increase the risk of pregnancy problems including being overweight and suffering from gestational diabetes mellitus,large babies and postpartum weight retention.This is the first study to investigate the dietary patterns and nutritional intake of women in early pregnancy in Hong Kong.Details of the survey have been published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition.97%of the survey participants did not meet the recommended fibre intake,while the general intake of micronutrients was insufficient During 2017 to 2018,almost 160 women who were less than 14 weeks pregnant were randomly recruited at their first antenatal visit.Their dietary intake in the previous three months was assessed through adetailed food frequency questionnaire.Their pregnancy outcomes were also recorded,based on medical records or phone interviews.The key findings are as follows:97%of the survey participants did not meet the recommended fibre intake.Their mean fibre intake was 14g per day,compared to the WHO’s recommendation of 25g per day.50%of the survey participants had excessive daily sodium intake.Their mean sodium intake was 3,984mg per day,compared to the WHO’s recommended upper limit of 2,000mg per day,or about one teaspoon of salt(5g).The percentages of pregnant women with insufficient daily intake of vitamin C,calcium,iron and zinc were 46%,74%,90%and 33%respectively,compared to the Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes 2013.Fat intake should be limited to 15%to 30%of total daily energy,but the mean fat intake of the participants was 37%of total energy.94%of the survey participants were regularly taking nutritional supplements,including multi-vitamins,minerals,folate and fish oil,and more than half of them were taking two or more types of nutritional supplements.Pregnant women should not rely too much on nutritional supplements Dr Tam Wing-hung,Clinical Professor(Honorary)in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at CU Medicine,explained,“The dietary and nutritional status of the mother before pregnancy and during early pregnancy is very important for the growth and development of the foetus.Our studies have shown that maternal diet is also closely related to various pregnancy complications.Suboptimal dietary habits such as excessive intake of sugar,meat and processed food,as well as low dietary fibre intake,are associated with an increased risk of gestational diabetes.”Dr Tsoi Kit-ying,post-doctoral fellow from CU Medicine’s Department of Medicine and Therapeutics,said,“Our survey revealed that unhealthy dietary behaviour is common among pregnant women in Hong Kong.To obtain sufficient essential micronutrients,we suggest they increase their consumption of healthy,fresh,unprocessed food,rather than relying on nutritional supplements.”Professor Ronald Ma Ching-wan,Head of the Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes(Academic Affairs)in the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at CU Medicine,added,“Sodium is often hidden in many condiments and processed food at high levels.We assume that the excessive sodium intake of the interviewed pregnant women was likely associated with the frequent consumption of these foods,and the tendency to eat out.A prolonged excess can increase the risk of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases over time.Unbalanced dietary patterns may also cause long-term adverse effects on both mothers and foetuses.”The research team suggested that daily consumption of fruits,vegetables,nuts and other foods rich in vitamins,minerals,antioxidants and fibre can help with metabolism and blood pressure.Pregnant women are also encouraged to increase the frequency with which they eat fresh fruits and vegetables,including when they eat out. 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 14

5 2022-12-13

The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s(CUHK)Engineering FinTech Applied Research Academy(CEFAR)and Manulife(International)Limited(Manulife)signed aMemorandum of Understanding(MOU)to step up efforts to cultivate financial technology(fintech)talent and strengthen the University’s links with corporations.The MOU marks acollaboration between the academic and business sectors to foster thought leadership and nurture future generations of business and finance leaders.Under the MOU,Manulife will offer scholarships to outstanding fintech students nominated by CEFAR annually.As part of this strengthened cooperation between academia and industry,CUHK fintech students will be able to strengthen their knowledge about the latest market trends through different speaking opportunities and events.In addition,Manulife is sponsoring industrial projects for CUHK fintech students in 2022-23 that enable students to gain first-hand business experience.The MOU was signed by Professor Martin DF Wong,Dean of CUHK’s Faculty of Engineering,and Mr Anthony Buchanan,Chief Information Officer of Manulife Hong Kong and Macau.Professor Martin Wong remarked,“We are delighted and honoured to have the support of Manulife to cultivate future fintech leaders for the insurance sector.CEFAR has successfully undertaken many applied research projects and provided internship opportunities for our students,enabling them to solve real-life problems by applying the knowledge and skills they have learnt in class.The collaboration with Manulife marks another milestone for CEFAR as we further expand our network and welcome Manulife,a leader in its industry,as our strategic partner.This elevates our efforts to develop alarger pool of fintech talents to meet the needs of Hong Kong and the broader Greater Bay Area.”Mr.Anthony Buchanan added,“Investing in talent is the first step towards making an organisation future-ready.We are honoured to have this opportunity to uplift high-calibre fintech talent within Hong Kong and the broader Greater Bay Area.As the first insurance company in Hong Kong to take part in this meaningful collaboration with CUHK,it also signifies our commitment to innovation in fintech as ameans to deliver the most suitable solutions for our customers.We are excited about the progress we can make to continue our best to make people’s life every day better.” 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 1

6 2022-12-11

Professor Raymond Yeung Wai-ho,Choh-Ming Li Professor of Information Engineering,and Co-Director of the Institute of Network Coding at The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK),has been elected aFellow of the National Academy of Inventors(NAI)for his consistent,profound contributions to the field of information theory and network coding.Professor Yeung will be inducted at the Fellows Induction Ceremony at NAI’s 12th annual meeting in June 2023.Professor Yeung said,“I am humbled by this recognition specifically for my research works that have led to real-world applications.Network communication has become an integral part of our daily life,and Iam most excited to be part of the advancement and evolution of our global network.My team will continue to explore new wireless network protocols,particularly in the applications of BATS code in 5G and 6G,and many other applications for the benefit of society.”Professor Yeung is aleading expert in the information theory community and aco-founder of the field of network coding,making asignificant impact on avariety of practical scenarios such as data storage and network communications.The Institute of Network Coding that he co-founded has evolved into akey contributor to Hong Kong that explores and deploys the promises of network coding in practical scenarios.Professor Yeung had invented the BATched Sparse code(BATS code)that improved the network transmission rate of networks with packet loss.His current research focuses on applying information theory and network coding ideas to develop better coding algorithms.Professor Yeung has received numerous international awards for his fundamental contributions to information theory and pioneering work in network coding and its applications,including the 2022 Claude E.Shannon Award,the 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE)Richard W.Hamming Medal,the 2018 ACM SIGMOBILE Test-of-Time Paper Award and the 2016 IEEE Eric E.Sumner Award.He is aFellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers,the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences,and the IEEE.He also holds 10 patents on BATS code.The NAI Fellows Programme highlights academic inventors who have demonstrated aspirit of innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions that have made atangible impact on the quality of life,economic development and welfare of society.NAI Fellow is the highest professional distinction awarded to academic inventors.The 2022 Fellow class hails from 110 research universities and governmental and non-profit research institutes worldwide.They collectively hold more than 5,000 U.S.patents.Among the new class of Fellows are members of the National Academies of Sciences,Engineering and Medicine,Fellows of the AAAS and other prestigious organisations,Nobel laureates,recipients of other honours and distinctions,as well as senior leaders from universities and research institutions. 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 0

7 2022-08-15

Luquos Energy,a start-up incubated by The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK),won the Bronze Award in the TERA-Award Smart Energy Innovation Competition organised by the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited(Towngas)and State Power Investment Corporation(SPIC).Out of 208 projects from 23 countries and regions,Luquos Energy’s“Safe and Low-cost Flow Battery”won third place,receiving the Bronze Award and US$50,000.Luquos Energy has received strategic investment of tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars from Towngas.Luquos Energy is incubated by CUHK’s Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities(TSSSU)and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks(HKSTP).The company focuses on innovation in battery technology as well as providing safe,low-cost,environmentally friendly energy-storage systems.The team is led by CUHK Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering Professor Lu Yi-chun.In the competition,Luquos Energy presented an advanced battery technology for safe,low-cost,long-life-cycle energy-storage systems.The battery uses earth-abundant elements and aqueous electrolytes to store electricity,offering safety,significantly lower costs and alonger lifespan compared to the commonly used lithium-ion batteries.With the innovative ion-selective membrane invented by the team,the battery can potentially last for 15 years.Such technology can be used in renewable energy projects and electric vehicle solar charging stations,providing an uninterruptible power supply and various off-grid applications.CUHK Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering’s professor and Luquos Energy’s Chairperson Professor Lu Yi-chun,pointed out that the demand for grid energy storage will increase simultaneously with the growth of renewable energy.Application of lithium-ion batteries in this field is limited by resources,cost,flaming risk and difficulty of recycling.Luquos Energy focuses on the core technology in flow batteries—the ion-exchange membrane—which is critical to economical,safe,eco-friendly energy-storage systems.The team will demonstrate the efficiency and reliability of the new battery technology,accelerate the commercialisation of the product,and contribute to the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.At the video ceremony,Towngas’s Chief Investment Officer Mr Chan Ying-lung said that the company is highly supportive of Luquos Energy.As one of the largest companies in Hong Kong,with 160 years of history,Towngas aims to continuously contribute to technological innovation in Hong Kong.In the near future,it plans to demonstrate aLuquos Energy prototype in one of its zero-carbon smart industrial parks,which will help to expedite the commercialisation and promotion of the new technology. 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 1

8 2022-06-16

香港多年來一直存在創科人才不足的問題,影響創新科技的發展。香港中文大學(中大)工程學院創新科技中心最近獲特區政府創新科技署資助,與英國高雲地利大學(Coventry University)及Institute of Coding(IoC)合作推行「以學校為本提升學生科技素養計劃」(Assessment Scheme for Engineering and Technology Education,簡稱ASSETE),將國際STEM教育標準引進香港,加強創科人才培訓。中大今天舉行該計劃的啟動典禮,由政府資訊科技總監林偉喬先生擔任主禮嘉賓,其他出席嘉賓包括中大工程學院院長黃定發教授、外務副院長暨項目負責人黃錦輝教授及英國領事館代表等。立法會議員科技創新界邱達根議員與Institute of Coding代表透過ZOOM於線上參與及發言。中大研究團隊以IoC一套被廣泛認受的評估系統為基礎,考慮本地中小學校的實際情況作出適當調整,發展出一套適用於評估本地學生工程及科技水平的評估計劃,名為ASSETE。黃定發教授說:「我很高興得悉黃錦輝教授得到本地及海外不少志同道合、經驗豐富的教育界專家協助,攜手推動這個計劃。我也深信此項目有助香港教育界持續並穩定地培養創科人才,為提升香港國際競爭力奠下穩固的根基。」這是本港首次進行此類型的大型評估項目,所得數據除可了解本地中小學生的STEM學習水平外,亦可幫助學校更有效地分配資源於STEM教育上,並提供更適切的教育活動以提升學生相關技能。「政府一直致力在多個層面推動STEM教育。除常規課程以外,政府資訊科技總監辦公室亦有推出計劃,資助中小學舉辦與資訊科技相關的課外活動。中大這個項目不單配合政府發展STEM教育的方向,更為本港學生的創科水平提供一個重要參考,讓政府可更有效地投放資源,繼續積極推動本地STEM教育。」林偉喬總監說。ASSETE計劃包括設立一個工程技術教育實踐中心監督ASSETE的整體運作、發展「銀匙計劃」召集資深工程技術教育者擔任導師,以及提供一系列以工程技術為主題的課外活動以提升本地學生的工程技術。現時已有25間本地中、小學參與計劃。該計劃提供多個不同程度的單元,讓學生視乎個人興趣自行選擇,完成後進行短測以了解他們對各單元的吸收程度。研究團隊亦會派資深導師到學校舉辦講座,深入淺出地講解各單元的重點,加深學生對各種科技的基礎認知。導師亦可通過專題實踐活動,鼓勵學生以分組協作形式將所學到的科技概念用於解決問題。在評估方面,中心導師以面談方式了解學生對科技的認識及其對一些設計和應用的想法,並對照英國IoC的評估標準指引,評估學生對創新科技的基礎知識。導師會從整個項目過程中觀察學生的表現,設計及建議合適的創科活動,豐富學校創科活動的元素,以達致學生學得開心,老師教得輕鬆的目標。每校表現突出的同學可獲參觀大灣區內科技企業的機會。 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 1

9 2022-06-09

Professor Jun YU,Choh-Ming Li Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics and Assistant Dean of The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)’s Faculty of Medicine(CU Medicine)received the 14th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award from the Chinese Academy of Engineering for her distinguished achievements in and contribution to gastrointestinal cancer studies.The biennial award is regarded as the most prestigious award in Chinese engineering science and technology and engineering management.Professor YU is an expert in gastroenterology research.She joined the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at CU Medicine in 2005,and is currently the Directors of the Institute of Digestive Disease,the State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease and the Research Laboratory of the Institute of Digestive Disease.Over the years,she has been responsible for new findings regarding gastrointestinal cancers in relation to the genomic and epigenomic molecular mechanisms,and gut microbiota,as well as basic and translational research in cancer biomarkers and cancer therapy.Professor Yu said,“I am very honoured to receive this prestigious award from the Chinese Academy of Engineering,which is ademonstration of the country’s recognition of Hong Kong researchers.Gastric,colon and liver cancers are of high prevalence and are common cancer killers.I have been committed to research into tumours in the digestive system and am devoted to translating the research findings into clinical application.Doing scientific research is anever-ending journey and the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award is just the start of it.I plan to use the award money to promote academic exchange at home and abroad.”Professor Yu’s research has far-reaching implications for understanding the pathogenesis,diagnosis,treatment and prevention of gastric cancer,colon cancer and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.In recognition of her work,Professor Yu has received numerous honours and awards including the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship in 2016;the American Gastroenterology Association Council Oncology Research Mentor Award,which she was the first Asian and first woman outside the US to receive;and the WuXi PharmaTech Life Science and Chemistry Award in 2017.In 2019,she was the only Chinese person to be on the Top 10 People in Global Gut Microbiome Research.In 2021,she received the Chinese Medical Women Association(CMWA)Wuzhou Women Science&Technology Award–Research Innovation Award for Preclinical Medicine.On top of these,Professor Yu has also received plenty of national awards since 2012,including The State Natural Science Award(2016,2020);The State Science and Technological Progress Award(2012);The State Science and Technological Progress Award(Natural Science and Innovation Team)(2016);and three first-class awards from the Ministry of Education.To date,Professor Yu has more than 500 peer-reviewed publications(178 papers IF>10,86 papers IF>20).The Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award has been presented to Chinese engineering science and technology experts,and scientists every two years since 1996 to commend their important contributions and outstanding achievements in the fields of engineering science and technology and engineering management.The jury composed of people from nine professional fields in the Chinese Academy of Engineering from mainland China and members from Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan selected 39 awardees from 340 nominees this year. 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 1

10 2022-05-30

Biologists at The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)have sequenced the whole genome of nine centipede and millipede species,of which six were recently completed,constituting the first myriapod gene repertoire analysis in the world.These high-quality reference genomes revealed several unexpected gene alternations that led to divergent behaviours,predatory and detritivorous,of the two myriapod cousins,and provides important insight into the genomic evolution of myriapods.The findings were reported in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Communications.Both centipedes and millipedes belong to agroup of arthropods called myriapods,which means“10,000 feet”in Ancient Greek.There are about 16,000 species of extant myriapods,and they play important ecological roles and recycle nutrients in soil and forest ecosystems.Despite their importance,however,they are the most understudied arthropod lineages.Professor Jerome HUI,Associate Professor at CUHK’s School of Life Sciences,who was amember of the consortium that published the first centipede genome,has led aresearch team working on myriapods since 2013,and published the first millipede genome.Professor Hui explained,“This recent study reveals the divergent pathways followed by centipede and millipede lineages after their divergence from acommon myriapod ancestor.This remarkable divergence has led to two very different lifestyles being expressed in extant myriapods:predation in centipedes,characterised by the evolution of offensive chemical weaponry in the form of venom,and adetritivorous diet in millipedes.We provide the first steps towards unravelling the genomic bases of the divergent adaptations underlying these two lineages with very different ecologies.”Gene transfers further separate ecological features One interesting finding the team identified is the potential factors that shaped the divergent evolutionary trajectories.Genetic gains in signal transduction were discovered in centipedes,which could well have contributed to sensory and locomotory adaptations that facilitated centipedes’ecological shift to predation.Meanwhile,genetic transfer from bacteria to the myriapods was also unexpectedly found in this study.Horizontal gene transfer(HGT)events occurred independently in the ancestors of both centipedes and millipedes,which hypothetically further suggests the divergent adaptive evolution of carnivorous centipedes that possess unique,venom-injecting,claw-like forcipules,and millipedes that feed on mainly leaf litter and act as important nutrients cyclers.Hormonal gene loss in millipedes results in different physiology Apart from ecological features,the team also identified apossible contributing factor that made millipedes and centipedes develop major differences in physiology throughout their evolutionary history.The team found that extant centipedes have retained key enzymes that produce sesquiterpenoid hormones from their myriapod ancestor,but these enzymes are absent in millipedes.Since sesquiterpenoid hormones are key candidates to regulate growth and reproduction in animals,this study provides afoundation for further basic and applied research on myriapods.Dr.Henry SO,first author of the paper,said,“This is just our first step in reconstructing animal genomic evolution,and we believe that we can do better and achieve more in the future.”Professor Hui added,“In the near future,in addition to continuing to explore the hidden biology and genomics,we need to fully understand the ecological roles in soil and forest ecosystems of this fascinating yet neglected group of organisms.Hopefully one day we can better understand these life forms on land,the effects of climate change on them and their contribution to nutrient recycling,and perhaps eventually achieve zero hunger via agricultural applications.” 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 1

