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1 2023-11-08

The Australian‘s 2024 Research Magazine ranks the University of Sydney and its researchers as number one nationally across arange of research fields.The 2024 Research Magazine,produced by The Australian and its partner League of Scholars,has ranked the University of Sydney and its researchers as number one nationally across arange of research fields including computer vision and pattern recognition,physical education and sports medicine,primary health care,public health,and transportation.Released today,the 2024 Research Magazine celebrates the excellence of Australian research.An impact score,based on paper citations,is used to determine the top researcher and research institution in 250 fields of research.The University of Sydney ranks as the top research institution in 20 research fields and 18 University of Sydney researchers are named as leaders in their respective fields.Of note are fields in which the University secured both top institution and top researcher nationally,such as in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(Professor Dacheng Tao);Transportation(Professor David Hensher);Physical Education and Sports Medicine(Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis);Primary Health Care(Professor Sarah Dennis);and Public Health(Professor Emeritus Adrian Bauman).Professor Edward Holmes was also named lead researcher across the three fields of Life Sciences&Earth Sciences(general),Cell Biology and Molecular Biology.Refer to the full listing for the University below.Deputy Vice-Chancellor(Research),Professor Emma Johnston congratulated the research leaders.“We are immensely pleased to see the strong foundations the University has built across several research fields,with some of the most high-performing researchers and teams in the country.This will only grow as we continue to invest in our next generation of researchers through initiatives like our Horizons Fellowships and anew training and development program for our early career researchers.”Speaking with The Australian,Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Annamarie Jagose said the University’s reputation meant it succeeded in attracting outstanding,high-performing academics who are passionate about their research.“That halo effect means they build fantastically motivated teams who attract other excellent colleagues…and you start getting akind of aresearch concentration,almost aresearch ecosystem,that grows over time.”She said the University of Sydney was differentiated by its long-term investment in multidisciplinary initiatives including the Charles Perkins Centre,Sydney Nano and the Brain and Mind Centre and had stepped up investment in medical research with the new Sydney Biomedical Accelerator.Elsewhere,the Sydney Environment Institute is tackling some of the biggest challenges of our time and the University is also preparing for akey role in defence research.Quoted in the foreword,Federal Education Minister Jason Clare said:“The next big,cutting-edge innovations are being developed in our universities right now through research and will help to change the world tomorrow.” 查看详细>>

来源:悉尼大学 点击量: 19

2 2023-08-23

The Australian government announced the decision today,recognising Professor Johnston’s invaluable expertise in the fields of environmental science and conservation that she brings to the agency’s board.“As Itake on this new responsibility as amember of the CSIRO board,I am reminded of the institution‘s legacy of pioneering research that has shaped industries and improved lives,”Professor Johnston said.“It‘s atremendous honour to work alongside visionary minds who are driving Australia‘s scientific progress,and Iam excited to play apart.”Professor Johnston’s current research focuses on critical global challenges including marine debris,biological invasions,extreme events and the future of Antarctica‘s environment.As an advocate for sustainability and diversity,she was the Chief Author of Australia’s State of Environment Report 2021.Announcing the appointment,Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic said:“Professor Johnston’s impressive marine science credentials will bring much needed environmental expertise to the CSIRO Board,complementing the board’s existing skills and experience.“It’s incredibly important that the CSIRO is at the forefront of applying scientific research to tackle the big challenges facing the Australian community.Having esteemed scientists like Professor Johnston as part of the leadership of our national science agency is invaluable.”Professor Johnston holds significant influence in the Australian higher education and research sector,and her expertise has contributed to the formulation of international and national research strategies,priorities and plans.Professor Johnston is aboard member of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority(GBRMPA),and agovernor of the Ian Potter Foundation.She has led major research projects for industry,government,the Australian Research Council and the Australian Antarctic Science Program.She has previously held eminent positions such as Dean of Science and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research at the University of New South Wales and President of Science and Technology Australia(STA).Her career has earned her prestigious titles including being an elected fellow of the Australian Academy of Science(AAS),the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering(ATSE)and the Royal Society of New South Wales(RSNSW).She was honoured as an Officer of the Order of Australia(AO)in the 2018 Queen‘s Birthday Honours for her exceptional service to higher education,marine ecology,ecotoxicology,research and administration. 查看详细>>

来源:悉尼大学 点击量: 5

3 2019-09-23

The University of Sydney today announced the launch of its new School of Biomedical Engineering,investing in the development of advanced biomedical technologies such as lab-grown organs,bionic eyes and implantable medical devices.Becoming the sixth school within the Faculty of Engineering,the School has been established to facilitate collaborative research and teaching within the field of biomedical engineering,which combines arange of disciplines including medicine,engineering and life sciences.Joining as the Head of School,Biomedical Engineering,Professor Gregg Suaning,said the Faculty’s focus will facilitate new collaborations,boost Australia‘s healthcare sector and place the University in aleading position within the surging global biomedical market.“Australia is at the forefront of biomedical engineering and it’s essential that we invest in research and technology that will lead us to anew generation of medical therapies and cures,”said Professor Suaning,whose work has focused on developing abionic eye for those living with blindness.“The new School’s aim is to improve health outcomes by targeting diseases that currently do not have cures.We will achieve this through innovative biotechnologies focused on tissue and neural engineering,nanomaterials and by introducing novel approaches to overcome chronic disease,”he said. 查看详细>>

来源:悉尼大学 点击量: 3

4 2019-03-05

The Gallery is ahub for showcasing dynamic,experimental content by artists,including staff and students,pioneering the emerging model of urban galleries proliferating around the globe bringing together creatives from many disciplines and communities.The Footbridge Gallery is the brainchild of Dr Luke Hespanhol and Associate Professor Martin Tomitsch from the University’s School of Architecture,Design and Planning who worked together at the Design Lab,an interdisciplinary research group within the school,exploring interactions between people and digital technologies.“We’ve been working on the University‘s broader placemaking initiatives,following on from astudy conducted by Gehl Architects,which identified key precincts on campus for activation into lively and shared public spaces open not only for the University community but also to the general public,”said Dr Hespanhol. 查看详细>>

来源:悉尼大学 点击量: 354

5 2018-10-24

Professor Ben Eggleton has outlined the defining projects that will shape the direction of Sydney Nano following acompetitive process that attracted high-quality applications from across the University of Sydney community.The Director of the University of Sydney Nano Institute,Professor Benjamin Eggleton,has announced five Grand Challenges that will define Sydney Nano’s strategic priorities for the next five years.The five Grand Challenges are:Safe-by-Design:Sustainable Nanotechnology led by Associate Professor Wojciech Chrzanowski,School of Pharmacy,and Associate Professor Elizabeth New,School of Chemistry Advanced Capture of Water from the Atmosphere led by Professor Martijn De Sterke,School of Physics,and Associate Professor Chiara Neto,School of Chemistry Nanotechnology for Carbon-Neutral Manufacturing led by Associate Professor Jun Huang,School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,and Associate Professor Deanna D’Alessandro,School of Chemistry Next-Generation Materials Discovery led by Dr Ivan Kassal,School of Chemistry,and Dr Lamiae Azizi,School of Mathematics and Statistics Molecular Nanorobotics for Health led by Dr Shelley Wickham,School of Chemistry and School of Physics,and Dr Anna Waterhouse,School of Medicine 查看详细>>

来源:悉尼大学 点击量: 34

6 2018-08-08

New vision for Sydney,the national innovation capital The University of Sydney is joining forces with the NSW government and leaders in the tech industry on amajor new innovation precinct to generate jobs and cement Sydney‘s reputation as the innovation capital of Australia.NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian today announced the establishment of anew technology and innovation precinct in the centre of Sydney spanning the area from Central to Eveleigh,taking in the University of Sydney as akey location and partner in the development.The NSW Government has asked leaders in higher education to co-create the precinct,including the University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney,and industry leaders Atlassian and Fishburners,as well as industry representative body,Tech Sydney,and the Sydney Business Chamber."This is aunique opportunity for universities,industry and community partners to work together to make Sydney aglobal hub of excellence and investment,enhancing the prosperity and wellbeing of the city and NSW."Professor Duncan Ivison,Deputy Vice-Chancellor(Research)Professor Duncan Ivison,Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research,will join the NSW Government taskforce,headed by Jobs for NSW chair David Thodey,to lead the design and development of the new precinct.“The University of Sydney is very committed to this precinct model.This is aunique opportunity for universities,industry and community partners to work together to make Sydney aglobal hub of excellence and investment,enhancing the prosperity and wellbeing of the city and NSW.This recognition by the government of the University’s place as aleader in innovation is akey opportunity to showcase our research and teaching impact nationally and internationally.It also provides hands-on industry experience for our students,a key component of our reinvigorated curriculum,”said Professor Ivison.The initiative is expected to create 10,000 new jobs by 2036 while creating ashared vision for the growth of NSW’s tech sector over the next 30 years.As well as driving more employment and investment,the planned technology precinct will help revitalise the area and safeguard its important heritage,while generating jobs of the future.Established technology companies,already leaders in their fields will help to build astart-up ecosystem in the new precinct,allowing for an exchange of ideas and collaboration and awealth of industry experience. 查看详细>>

来源:悉尼大学 点击量: 1

7 2018-08-01

Professor Luigi Fontana-a biogerontologist in the field of diet and its role in healthy longevity in humans-has joined the University of Sydney as the Leonard PUllmann Chair of Translational Metabolic Health.Credited with conducting the foundational research that gave rise to the 5:2 diet,Professor Fontana’s revolutionary work on the long-term effects of calorie restriction led to its acceptance as an intervention to reduce risk factors in cancer and cardiovascular disease.Professor Fontana joins the University’s Faculty of Medicine and Health and Central Clinical School as aclinician at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,working from the University’s multidisciplinary Charles Perkins Centre.He arrives at Sydney from Washington University in St.Louis and Italy’s University of Brescia.Professor Fontana’s work in the ecological sphere also places him as arecognised environmental activist,connecting the need for reduction of calorie intake with the importance of reducing intake of animal-based foods.An Editor-in-Chief of Nutrition and Healthy Aging,Professor Fontana has published widely in high calibre journals including Science and Nature.“We’re tremendously excited to welcome Professor Fontana to the Charles Perkins Centre through his appointment to the Central Clinical School,”Deputy Vice-Chancellor(Research)Professor Duncan Ivison said. 查看详细>>

来源:悉尼大学 点击量: 106

