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高校资讯 改革发展 教学改革 学生培养 产学研合作 科研发展 科学大装置

教学改革 共计 1 条信息

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1 2018-10-17

A deep and shared commitment to supporting the recommendations of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission(TRC)have led McGill University and Vancouver Island University(VIU)to form aunique collaboration to create new opportunities in Indigenous studies.On Monday,October 15,2018,Prof.Christopher Manfredi,Provost and Vice-Principal Academic,McGill University,and Dr.Ralph Nilson,President and Vice-Chancellor of VIU,signed aMemorandum of Understanding(MOU)agreeing to explore how the universities can work together to further support research and learning in the areas of Indigenous education and Indigenous studies.“By working together,we can build bridges and learn from our different experiences.McGill shares VIU’s commitment to Indigenous success and to the support and promotion of Indigenous scholarship and pedagogies;I look forward to seeing this important collaboration develop,”said Manfredi.According to the MOU,a working group consisting of representatives from both universities and Indigenous communities will be formed to discuss how the institutions can best collaborate. 查看详细>>

来源:麦吉尔大学 点击量: 53

