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1 2023-05-17

In the year ahead,Jeff will continue to lead the Library while furthering anumber of ongoing strategic efforts:advancing the Library’s philanthropic fundraising,preparing anew five-year strategic vision,and promoting free and open access to scholarly articles.Additionally,in the coming year,the Library will begin anew construction phase toward completing the renovation of Moffitt Library.Please join me in thanking Jeff for his adroit leadership of the UC Berkeley Library in often exceedingly challenging circumstances,as well as for his substantial service and contributions to the university more generally,including as aBuilder of Berkeley with his wife,Janet S.Netz.We are also extremely grateful to Jeff for his efforts to reform academic publishing,which have succeeded in lowering the cost of accessing academic scholarship,thus making it more accessible,not only to students and scholars at the University of California,but around the globe.Jeff’s dedication,insights,and unique sense of style will be missed.Information about the search for the next university librarian will be announced in the coming weeks. 查看详细>>

来源:加州大学伯克利分校 点击量: 0

2 2019-01-29

Cannabis is unlike any other agricultural crop.Because of its circuitous history—once illegal to grow,and now legal but heavily regulated—cannabis has cast aunique footprint on the environment and the communities of farmers who grow it.UC Berkeley’s new Cannabis Research Center,announced today by amultidisciplinary team of faculty,will explore how cannabis production impacts the environment and society,and how these impacts will evolve under new regulations set in place by legalization.While other research groups in the University of California are focusing on the individual and public health ramifications of cannabis,the center will be the first in the UC system to explore oft-overlooked dimensions of cannabis growth.Berkeley News spoke with center co-directors Van Butsic and Ted Grantham,both assistant cooperative extension specialists in UC Berkeley’s Department of Environmental Science,Policy and Management,to learn more about the state of cannabis production in California and the center’s goals. 查看详细>>

来源:加州大学伯克利分校 点击量: 24

3 2018-07-01

Economic scholar Laura D’Andrea Tyson will serve as the interim dean of the Haas School of Business,Chancellor Carol Christ announced Thursday.Tyson,who first served adean from 1998 to 2001,will take over from Richard Lyons,who will return to teaching next month after 11 years as the school’s top administrator.“We are so fortunate that somebody as able and uniquely qualified for this role as Professor Tyson is willing to step in and help the school during this leadership transition,”Christ said.“When Laura was dean of Berkeley Haas,she initiated many important programs that laid the foundation for the school’s financial and reputational strengths today.Haas couldn’t be in better hands.”Tyson first joined Berkeley’s faculty in 1977 and has served as chair of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors and director of the National Economic Council under President Bill Clinton.She was also dean of the London Business School from 2002 to 2006.“I am honored by the opportunity to serve our community during the transition to the new dean,”Tyson said.“The Berkeley Haas community recognizes and appreciates the enormous contributions that Dean Lyons has made during his deanship.”A permanent dean is expected to be named this fall. 查看详细>>

来源:加州大学伯克利分校 点击量: 49

