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教学改革 共计 1 条信息

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1 2018-10-25

UC Berkeley has received a$20 million matching gift from the Hellman Fellows Fund to create The Society of Hellman Fellows,which will double the number of fellowships awarded to early-career faculty each year through the Hellman Fellows Program.Established at UC Berkeley in 1995 by the late F.Warren and Patricia(Chris)Hellman,the Hellman Fellows Program has become an important source of support for Berkeley faculty,creating abridge to tenure for junior faculty who show exceptional academic promise at the start of their careers.Since its inception 23 years ago,384 young faculty from multiple fields have been awarded Hellman Fellowships at Berkeley,and 94 percent of former fellows have gone on to earn tenure,according to numbers from 1995 to 2014.“The Hellman Fellows Program was created to identify promising young assistant professors who,with that extra help in this critical moment of their career,are able to produce the research that then gets them tenure,”says Frances Hellman,dean of the Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Berkeley who,with her three siblings—Patricia Hellman Gibbs,Marco Hellman,and Judith Hellman—made the gift to honor their parents’legacy.Representing the largest single gift from the Hellman Fellows Fund,the$20 million challenge grant provides Berkeley with amajor boost in endowed funds to support the program in perpetuity.Once fully endowed,the Society of Hellman Fellows will award 32 fellowships ayear to exceptional junior faculty in science,technology,engineering and mathematics(STEM);arts and humanities;the social sciences;and Berkeley’s 10 professional schools.Designed for assistant professors who have exhausted start-up funds(generally after year two),the fellowships provide an invaluable lifeline to academic success and range from$30,000 to$60,000—depending on proposed research costs. 查看详细>>

来源:加州大学伯克利分校 点击量: 60

