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教学改革 共计 8 条信息

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1 2023-07-02

The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s(CUHK)Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Rocky S.Tuan led asenior delegation to Beijing from 28 to 30 June,which was their first visit to Beijing in three years following the pandemic.The delegation consisted of 10 people,including Pro-Vice-Chancellor(Strategic Developments)Professor Chan Wai-yee,Pro-Vice-Chancellor(Research)Professor Sham Mai-har,senior management and deans of the Faculties.They visited 11 central ministries and institutions,including the Hong Kong And Macao Affairs Office of the State Council,the Ministry of Education,the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Tsinghua University,Peking University,the Palace Museum,the Beijing Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Talents.The visit fostered cooperation and exchange between the parties and deepened their collaboration in education,as well as cultivating high-calibre international talents and propelling comprehensive sustainable development.During the visit,the University signed four collaboration agreements to pursue new opportunities,including aMemorandum of Understanding(MoU)and an agreement on aspecial exhibition of rare rubbings with The Palace Museum,an MoU with Beijing Municipal Bureau of Talents and an MoU with the National(Zhongguancun)Torch Institute of Science and Technology,which will strength those partnerships and promote diverse cooperation.The CUHK Beijing Centre was also officially established as part of the visit;Professor Tuan,leaders from the Beijing Municipality and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)government’s Beijing Office attended the inauguration ceremony,and participated in aBeijing alumni dinner with more than 280 alumni for the 60th Anniversary of CUHK.Professor Tuan also invited the representatives of the central ministries and institutions to participate in CUHK’s 60th anniversary activities in December.The three-day visit ended successfully.Professor Tuan said,“This is the first CUHK delegation to visit Beijing since the pandemic.During this very fruitful visit,with the support of the Beijing Municipal Government,CUHK Beijing Centre was established.We also briefed the representatives of the central ministries on the progress of the CUHK Strategic Plan 2021-2025 and ongoing mainland partnerships,and successfully established academic and scientific collaborations to deepen the interaction and cooperation among industries,universities and research institutions.With strong mainland support and international connection,CUHK actively seeks to integrate into the strategic development plan of the nation.Guided by the CUHK Strategic Plan 2021-2025,we will join hands with all parties for greater achievements,create more breakthroughs,cultivate and nurture experts and professionals,and realize CUHK’s longstanding mission of‘bringing together China and the West’.”Professor Tuan invited the representatives to participate in the activities celebrating CUHK’s diamond jubilee,congratulating CUHK for opening anew chapter and for truly being where great minds shine for six decades. 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 30

2 2022-06-16

香港多年來一直存在創科人才不足的問題,影響創新科技的發展。香港中文大學(中大)工程學院創新科技中心最近獲特區政府創新科技署資助,與英國高雲地利大學(Coventry University)及Institute of Coding(IoC)合作推行「以學校為本提升學生科技素養計劃」(Assessment Scheme for Engineering and Technology Education,簡稱ASSETE),將國際STEM教育標準引進香港,加強創科人才培訓。中大今天舉行該計劃的啟動典禮,由政府資訊科技總監林偉喬先生擔任主禮嘉賓,其他出席嘉賓包括中大工程學院院長黃定發教授、外務副院長暨項目負責人黃錦輝教授及英國領事館代表等。立法會議員科技創新界邱達根議員與Institute of Coding代表透過ZOOM於線上參與及發言。中大研究團隊以IoC一套被廣泛認受的評估系統為基礎,考慮本地中小學校的實際情況作出適當調整,發展出一套適用於評估本地學生工程及科技水平的評估計劃,名為ASSETE。黃定發教授說:「我很高興得悉黃錦輝教授得到本地及海外不少志同道合、經驗豐富的教育界專家協助,攜手推動這個計劃。我也深信此項目有助香港教育界持續並穩定地培養創科人才,為提升香港國際競爭力奠下穩固的根基。」這是本港首次進行此類型的大型評估項目,所得數據除可了解本地中小學生的STEM學習水平外,亦可幫助學校更有效地分配資源於STEM教育上,並提供更適切的教育活動以提升學生相關技能。「政府一直致力在多個層面推動STEM教育。除常規課程以外,政府資訊科技總監辦公室亦有推出計劃,資助中小學舉辦與資訊科技相關的課外活動。中大這個項目不單配合政府發展STEM教育的方向,更為本港學生的創科水平提供一個重要參考,讓政府可更有效地投放資源,繼續積極推動本地STEM教育。」林偉喬總監說。ASSETE計劃包括設立一個工程技術教育實踐中心監督ASSETE的整體運作、發展「銀匙計劃」召集資深工程技術教育者擔任導師,以及提供一系列以工程技術為主題的課外活動以提升本地學生的工程技術。現時已有25間本地中、小學參與計劃。該計劃提供多個不同程度的單元,讓學生視乎個人興趣自行選擇,完成後進行短測以了解他們對各單元的吸收程度。研究團隊亦會派資深導師到學校舉辦講座,深入淺出地講解各單元的重點,加深學生對各種科技的基礎認知。導師亦可通過專題實踐活動,鼓勵學生以分組協作形式將所學到的科技概念用於解決問題。在評估方面,中心導師以面談方式了解學生對科技的認識及其對一些設計和應用的想法,並對照英國IoC的評估標準指引,評估學生對創新科技的基礎知識。導師會從整個項目過程中觀察學生的表現,設計及建議合適的創科活動,豐富學校創科活動的元素,以達致學生學得開心,老師教得輕鬆的目標。每校表現突出的同學可獲參觀大灣區內科技企業的機會。 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 1

3 2022-06-09

Professor Jun YU,Choh-Ming Li Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics and Assistant Dean of The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)’s Faculty of Medicine(CU Medicine)received the 14th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award from the Chinese Academy of Engineering for her distinguished achievements in and contribution to gastrointestinal cancer studies.The biennial award is regarded as the most prestigious award in Chinese engineering science and technology and engineering management.Professor YU is an expert in gastroenterology research.She joined the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at CU Medicine in 2005,and is currently the Directors of the Institute of Digestive Disease,the State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease and the Research Laboratory of the Institute of Digestive Disease.Over the years,she has been responsible for new findings regarding gastrointestinal cancers in relation to the genomic and epigenomic molecular mechanisms,and gut microbiota,as well as basic and translational research in cancer biomarkers and cancer therapy.Professor Yu said,“I am very honoured to receive this prestigious award from the Chinese Academy of Engineering,which is ademonstration of the country’s recognition of Hong Kong researchers.Gastric,colon and liver cancers are of high prevalence and are common cancer killers.I have been committed to research into tumours in the digestive system and am devoted to translating the research findings into clinical application.Doing scientific research is anever-ending journey and the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award is just the start of it.I plan to use the award money to promote academic exchange at home and abroad.”Professor Yu’s research has far-reaching implications for understanding the pathogenesis,diagnosis,treatment and prevention of gastric cancer,colon cancer and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.In recognition of her work,Professor Yu has received numerous honours and awards including the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship in 2016;the American Gastroenterology Association Council Oncology Research Mentor Award,which she was the first Asian and first woman outside the US to receive;and the WuXi PharmaTech Life Science and Chemistry Award in 2017.In 2019,she was the only Chinese person to be on the Top 10 People in Global Gut Microbiome Research.In 2021,she received the Chinese Medical Women Association(CMWA)Wuzhou Women Science&Technology Award–Research Innovation Award for Preclinical Medicine.On top of these,Professor Yu has also received plenty of national awards since 2012,including The State Natural Science Award(2016,2020);The State Science and Technological Progress Award(2012);The State Science and Technological Progress Award(Natural Science and Innovation Team)(2016);and three first-class awards from the Ministry of Education.To date,Professor Yu has more than 500 peer-reviewed publications(178 papers IF>10,86 papers IF>20).The Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award has been presented to Chinese engineering science and technology experts,and scientists every two years since 1996 to commend their important contributions and outstanding achievements in the fields of engineering science and technology and engineering management.The jury composed of people from nine professional fields in the Chinese Academy of Engineering from mainland China and members from Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan selected 39 awardees from 340 nominees this year. 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 1

4 2019-03-04

The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)Faculty of Engineering and SenseTime Group Ltd(SenseTime)have recently launched anew collaboration on Artificial Intelligence(AI)education with the signing of acollaborative agreement.AI is the technology that uses machine intelligence to simulate human intelligence in performing tasks and solving problems.The application areas include visual perception,speech recognition,decision-making,machine translation,self-driving cars,and more.The technology has broad implications as adisruptive force that is reshaping the world and changing the ways humans live and work in the future.CUHK,which has apool of top-tier talents in AI and sophisticated scientific research facilities,will collaborate with the world’s leading AI company SenseTime to promote AI education in Hong Kong.The collaborative agreement covers joint efforts to bring up the new generation of AI talent in the coming three years.And through the participation in international AI competitions,exchange programmes and exhibitions,talents with outstanding performance are encouraged to enroll in the engineering programmes in universities.The two parties will also actively engage in future educational activities by encouraging the young generation to explore AI and improve their literacy level,which includes the positive and ethical use of AI,as well as the limitations and risks.In addition,both parties hope to extend their collaborative efforts to research activities on technological advancement and societal applications of AI.Professor Martin D.F.Wong,Dean of Engineering,CUHK,remarked,“AI is one of the key research areas of the Faculty,and developing young talent and promoting technology education is astrong belief we share with SenseTime.Building on our deeply established ties,I expect the collaborative efforts from this Agreement will lead to increased participation of young students in our educational activities which will ultimately cultivate anew generation of engineering leaders in AI.”Mr.Hailong Shang,Managing Director of SenseTime Hong Kong,said,“At SenseTime,‘Lead AI Innovation to Power the Future’has always been our mission.While pushing ahead for technological innovations,we are also committed to promoting AI education for all.CUHK has long been renowned for its research and development work in AI.With this collaboration,we aim to join hands with CUHK to cultivate more exceptional AI talents and contribute to the AI communities in academia and industry alike.” 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 45

5 2018-10-20

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)will launch anew four-year bachelor of engineering programme in Artificial Intelligence:Systems and Technologies(AIST),the first of its kind in Hong Kong.The new programme will admit its first batch of students in the academic year 2019-20,with an intake quota of 30(JUPAS code:JS4468).Artificial Intelligence(AI)is an emerging engineering discipline that focuses on the technological innovations enabling computing systems to behave and discover new knowledge with human-like intelligence.It is now aglobal trend and many governments and companies are investing in AI and related innovative technologies.As aresult,there is ahuge manpower shortage of AI specialists in both local and global employment.In Hong Kong,the Special Administrative Region Government’s policies in innovation and technology such as re-industrialisation,the expansion of the Science Park in Tseung Kwan OIndustrial Estate,and the establishment of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop,are expected to create 50,000 jobs for people with knowledge and skills in high-end technologies.AIST aims to meet today‘s tremendous demand for well-trained talents in AI and related specialisations.The Programme will equip students with the capabilities to build AI systems that can analyse and infer knowledge from massive amounts of information.The four-year programme will cover topics including Machine Learning,Deep Learning,Large-scale Distributed Computing,Intelligent Embedded Systems,Knowledge Representation/Inference,Human-Computer Interactions,Natural Language Processing and Big Data Analytics.Students can have an option to choose one of the specialised streams according to their own interests:(i)Biomedical Intelligence;(ii)Intelligent Multimedia Processing;(iii)Large-scale Artificial Intelligence-Theory and Systems;and(iv)Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics.Apart from classroom learning,internship and overseas exchange programmes will also be available for students. 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 66

6 2018-10-20

According to areport issued by the McKinsey Global Institute,data science is the next frontier for innovation,competition and productivity.However,there is asevere shortage of people with the know-how to apply data science to make effective decisions.In response to this societal need and to nurture people with the professional knowledge of both data analytics and policy studies,the Faculty of Social Science of The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)will launch anew four-year undergraduate programme in Data Science and Policy Studies(JUPAS Code:JS4893)in the 2019-20 academic year.The first intake will be up to aquota of 20.The new programme is an interdisciplinary one which focuses on linking up the two fields of data science and policy science to equip students with essential knowledge,skills and capacities to design innovative,big data-driven and evidence-based policy solutions to complex problems in society.Students take required courses that provide them with essential and integrated knowledge in data science,data analytics,policy studies and public policy.They can also take elective courses offered by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering of CUHK on programming and coding languages such as Rand Python,data mining,and statistics to solidify knowledge in big data,computer and statistical learning.Students should also join the exchange programme to take related subjects offered by the overseas partnering institutions that are leaders in the field of data science and policy studies.Other than classroom learning,the programme offers awide range of experiential learning activities,such as internship and capstone projects to apply what the students have learnt to address real world issues.Professor CHIU Chi Yue,Dean of the Faculty of Social Science of CUHK said,“We use our research capacity,professional educational experience and broad network to offer apremium undergraduate programme in data-oriented policy studies.With all-round training,students are expected to become data scientists and effective policy initiators whose versatility will be highly sought by public and private sectors.They can pursue awide spectrum of careers in government organisations,local and international NGOs,policy think tanks,consulting firms,multinational corporations,technology and science sectors.” 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 52

7 2018-10-18

18 October 2018.CUHK Launches Bimodal Bilingual Studies Programme Asia??s First Undergraduate Programme Providing Sign Linguistic Studies.The Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages under the Faculty of Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)is going to offer a2-year top-up degree programme-B.A.in Bimodal Bilingual Studies-in September 2019.It is the first of its kind in Hong Kong and Asia,providing sign linguistic studies at undergraduate level.It is another land... 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 0

8 2018-10-04

The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)will host Stanford University’s(Stanford)Bing Overseas Studies Program(BOSP)in Hong Kong from fall 2019.It will be the only programme under BOSP held in the Greater China Region.A delegation led by Professor Harry Elam,Senior Vice Provost for Education,Vice President for the Arts,Freeman-Thornton Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education,and the Olive H.Palmer Professor in Humanities of Stanford visited CUHK on 4October 2018 and joined Professor Rocky S.Tuan,Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK in an Agreement Signing Ceremony on campus to mark the beginning of this milestone collaboration.BOSP offers Stanford undergraduate students opportunities for short-term study at anumber of selected overseas destinations,including Florence,Kyoto and Oxford,among others.The programme at each destination is designed to provide an immersive academic and cultural experience for its students with agoal to achieve cultural literacy and enhance international perspectives.The newly launched BOSP Hong Kong Program will be hosted at CUHK and is expected to receive its first cohort of around 20 Stanford students in September 2019.Students joining the Hong Kong Program will enroll in challenging academic courses currently offered at CUHK,as well as tailor-made courses taught by either CUHK or visiting Stanford academics.Classroom learning will be complemented with field trips and excursions around Hong Kong and in mainland China,together with cultural and extra-curricular activities to enrich students’understanding of Chinese culture and immerse them in the local community.The multicultural atmosphere at CUHK provides an outstanding and interactive platform for Stanford students to learn about Chinese culture and connect with Asia and the world.Professor Tuan said,“We are delighted to announce CUHK’s partnership with the Bing Overseas Studies Program of Stanford University,and are excited to welcome Stanford students to CUHK.They will enjoy being immersed in our multicultural and interdisciplinary learning environment.At the same time,CUHK students will also have an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and cultural values with Stanford students.This important and prestigious partnership is atestimony to CUHK’s teaching excellence and our extensive experience in international education.” 查看详细>>

来源:香港中文大学 点击量: 12

