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UniverCity Year program to partner with Pepin County

来源机构: 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校    发布时间:2019-2-21点击量:37

Pepin County is the latest partner for the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s UniverCity Year program, which brings faculty, students, and community members together to improve the sustainability, resilience, and general wellbeing of Wisconsin’s communities. Launched in 2016 with the Wisconsin Idea in mind, this program facilitates engagement between the UW–Madison learning community and localities across Wisconsin, bridging research and community knowledge to address some of the greatest challenges facing Wisconsin’s local governments.

Now in its fourth year, UniverCity Year has engaged with hundreds of students and faculty members on dozens of projects with the City of Monona, Dane County, and Green County. Pepin County offers new opportunities for engagement on a number of economic development, sustainability, and land use projects that require interdisciplinary problem-solving and ingenuity.


