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New collaboration will improve quality and sustainability of food and agricultural production

来源机构: 哥本哈根大学    发布时间:2019-2-7点击量:12

A new strategic agreement between the University of Copenhagen and the analytics company FOSS will use machine learning, spectroscopy and structural analysis, among other things, to develop improved analysis methods for food and agricultural production.

Measurements and analysis are essential for producing sustainable, high-quality foods. A new cooperation agreement between FOSS and the University of Copenhagen will contribute to the development of new solutions that optimize the production and processing of raw materials in the food sector.

FOSS has chosen to collaborate with the University of Copenhagen because of UCPH’s strengths in the fields of spectroscopy, process analysis and data processing based on artificial intelligence (AI) and chemometrics.

"Agreements like the one that FOSS and UCPH have just concluded are important because they create value for companies like FOSS, as well as for UCPH research and educational programmes," says Erik Bisgaard Madsen, Associate Dean for Private and Public Sector Services at UCPH’s Faculty of Science.

"At the same time, the agreement demonstrates what a major university with a very wide range of research specialties has to offer innovative and active companies. The breadth and strength of these specialties provides companies access to an integrated approach for solving various challenges."

Mads Nielsen and Anna Haldrup, department managers at the Department of Computer Science and Department of Food Science, point out that the collaboration is particularly interesting for UCPH because it will bolster interdisciplinary collaboration between DIKU and FOOD in spectroscopy, artificial intelligence and structural analyses.

In addition to the substantive aspects of the agreement, this collaboration also entails employee development and the opportunity for qualified sparring.

"We are not exclusively focused on individual results. We are also tremendously hopeful about focusing on collaboration with universities on capacity-building and competency development, by involving senior level university researchers to address issues that are are of interest to us and them, in efforts to develop new solutions. And at the same time, FOSS‘ highly qualified specialists gain access to competent and equally footed sparring partners," says FOSS senior manager, Lars Nørgaard.


