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New strategic funding to metabolic research at the University of Copenhagen

来源机构: 哥本哈根大学    发布时间:2018-10-9点击量:84

Metabolic diseases, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, are a huge societal challenge and represent a global health problem. Nationally, Denmark has also seen a substantial increase in the number of overweight people and people with type 2 diabetes through the last couple of decades.

The Center’s vision is to strengthen interdisciplinary research that transforms the basic understanding of mechanisms involved in metabolic health and disease, and to accelerate this knowledge toward new prevention and treatment strategies.

The Center was established in 2010 and has since provided seminal discoveries regarding how genes, hormones, and environmental factors influence metabolic health and disease, from preconception and throughout the lifespan.

The grant will allow the Center to develop new investigator-initiated “blue sky” research and integrative programs to unravel the complex biology behind the development of metabolic diseases. Technology platforms will also be established to radically empower the scientists to conduct cutting-edge research.


