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Imagining virtual reality as a simple tool to treat depression

来源机构: 斯坦福大学    发布时间:2024-4-11点击量:4

Some of the 17 million Americans afflicted with major depressive disorder each year may soon receive a surprising new prescription from their clinician: Have fun on a virtual reality device.

Engaging in activities that make you feel good may seem like overly simplistic advice, especially when directed at people with severe depression. But the science behind this idea, called "behavioral activation," is well established. Multiple studies have found that encouraging people to get outside, exercise, socialize, volunteer or immerse themselves in enjoyable activities in a prescribed, systematic way can help ease the symptoms of depression.

Now, Stanford researchers have discovered that engaging in these behaviors within a virtual reality system may show just as much efficacy in treating depression as carrying them out in the real world. And for those depressed to a level that makes leaving the house a challenge, it could provide the benefits of getting outside -- and even motivate them to get out.

"People who might otherwise have barriers to getting treatment might be open to using this technology in their own homes," said Kim Bullock, MD, a clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.

The study by Bullock‘s team, published in JMIR Mental Health, followed 26 people with major depressive disorder. Half were assigned traditional behavioral activation, and half used a virtual reality headset to participate in activities ranging from table tennis and mini-golf to touring foreign cities or attending shows. People in both groups saw their depression scores decrease by similar amounts.


