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1 2024-06-17

近日,南方科技大学理学院化学系副教授刘柳团队在双亲性主族元素多重键化学领域取得重要进展。研究成果以“一例晶态的锡炔(A Crystalline Stannyne)”为题,发表在《自然化学》(Nature Chemistry)杂志上。该成果通过取代基的π供电子效应和空间保护,合成了一种双亲性锡炔分子(R1−C≡Sn−R2↔R1−C(:)−Sn(:)−R2)。这类分子的分离表征扩展了人们对元素化学的认知,推动了双亲性(ambiphilicity;既亲核也亲电)主族元素化学的发展。新型主族元素结构基元的创制对合成化学、药物化学以及材料科学等多个领域的发展至关重要。大多数过渡金属具有部分占据的d电子,价层轨道既亲核也亲电,和小分子发生较强的相互作用。不同于过渡金属元素,主族元素的非价层电子是完全填充的,这一特点使得主族元素化合物的化学活性直接与其价层电子的能级和分布有关,同时也受到原子半径和元素电负性的显著影响。然而,近期的研究揭示,低价态下的配位不饱和主族元素化合物展现出与过渡金属相似的前线轨道特性和化学行为。这些具有“类过渡金属”行为的主族元素化合物,其化学特性主要体现为双亲性。双亲性的主族分子不仅能够活化惰性小分子,还在催化和材料科学等领域展现了巨大的潜力。炔烃分子(R1−C≡C−R2)无法共振成两个双亲的卡宾中心(图1a)。然而,炔烃的重元素类似物与炔烃有着显著不同的电子结构。由于重元素中心孤对电子惰性以及最外层轨道半径匹配差等原因,削弱了其形成多重键,因此炔烃的重元素类似物具有邻位双亲性质(R1−E≡E−R2↔R1−E(:)−E(:)−R2;E=Si,Ge,Sn,Pb)。值得注意的是,自从1836年首次发现乙炔,异核的炔烃重元素类似物(R1−C≡E−R2↔R1−C(:)−E(:)−R2;E=Si,Ge,Sn,Pb)一直未被科学家突破(图1)。近期,课题组利用π电子“推拉”策略和大位阻取代基,稳定了双亲性锡炔分子(R1−C≡Sn−R2↔R1−C(:)−Sn(:)−R2)(图2),首次实现了相邻异核双亲元素中心的构建(图3a),解决了主族元素化学领域内的重要难题。核磁共振和理论计算均支持锡炔3为单线态化合物。其中锡炔最主要的共振式为3A联烯结构(图3b)。基于理论计算,作者发现锡炔的碳原子具有反电子态卡宾的性质。通过实验研究,作者探索了锡炔的反应化学。所有化合物均经过了核磁、晶体结构、高分辨质谱等表征(图4)。该研究填补了异核炔烃重元素类似物的空白,扩展了人们对重元素化学的认知。鉴于独特的电子性质,锡炔分子有望革新双亲性主族元素的发展。近年来,刘柳课题组一直致力于双亲性主族元素化学的研究。瞄准主族结构基元“0到1”的原始创新,就“如何稳定(多重)双亲性结构基元”这一核心科学问题,通过合理的设计,成功分离表征或原位构建了一系列双亲性主族化合物,深度探讨了这些新颖结构基元的化学性质以及潜在的应用前景。截至目前,课题组以南科大为通讯单位发表Science 1篇、Nat.Chem.1篇、Nat.Synth.1篇、Chem.1篇、CCS Chem.1篇、J.Am.Chem.Soc.7篇、Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.8篇。这些研究工作先后多次被ChemistryViews、Nat.Synth.、Chem.、Synfacts以Highlight或Preview进行介绍。 查看详细>>

来源:南方科技大学 点击量: 11

2 2024-06-16

Chemotherapy and other treatments that take down cancer cells can also destroy patients’immune cells.Every year,that leads tens of thousands of cancer patients with weakened immune systems to contract infections that can turn deadly if unmanaged.Doctors must strike abalance between giving enough chemotherapy to eradicate cancer while not giving so much that the patient’s white blood cell count gets dangerously low,a condition known as neutropenia.It can also leave patients socially isolated in between rounds of chemotherapy.Currently,the only way for doctors to monitor their patients’white blood cells is through blood tests.Now Leuko is developing an at-home white blood cell monitor to give doctors amore complete view of their patients’health remotely.Rather than drawing blood,the device uses light to look through the skin at the top of the fingernail,and artificial intelligence to analyze and detect when white blood cells reach dangerously low levels.The technology was first conceived of by researchers at MIT in 2015.Over the next few years,they developed aprototype and conducted asmall study to validate their approach.Today,Leuko’s devices have accurately detected low white blood cell counts in hundreds of cancer patients,all without drawing asingle drop of blood.“We expect this to bring aclear improvement in the way that patients are monitored and cared for in the outpatient setting,”says Leuko co-founder and CTO Ian Butterworth,a former research engineer in MIT’s Research Laboratory of Electronics.“I also think there’s amore personal side of this for patients.These people can feel vulnerable around other people,and they don‘t currently have much they can do.That means that if they want to see their grandkids or see family,they’re constantly wondering,‘Am Iat high risk?’”The company has been working with the Food and Drug Administration(FDA)over the last four years to design studies confirming their device is accurate and easy to use by untrained patients.Later this year,they expect to begin apivotal study that will be used to register for FDA approval.Once the device becomes an established tool for patient monitoring,Leuko’s team believes it could also give doctors anew way to optimize cancer treatment.“Some of the physicians that we have talked to are very excited because they think future versions of our product could be used to personalize the dose of chemotherapy given to each patient,”says Leuko co-founder and CEO Carlos Castro-Gonzalez,a former postdoc at MIT.“If apatient is not becoming neutropenic,that could be asign that you could increase the dose.Then every treatment could be based on how each patient is individually reacting.” 查看详细>>

来源:麻省理工学院 点击量: 16

3 2024-06-12

近日,上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院感知科学与工程学院黄震宇团队在基于变换声学的降噪且通流应用方向取得重要进展,相关成果以“Meta-barriers for ventilated sound reduction via transformation acoustics”(通过变换声学实现通风隔音的超屏障)为题,以上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院为第一单位发表在International Journal of Mechanical Sciences上。研究背景大型动力装备的噪声控制不仅需要采用各种措施来降低声音,还需要确保噪声控制措施的实施对装备通流散热的影响尽可能小。在保持介质有效流动的同时阻断声波的传播是一个违反直觉的物理过程。根据经典波动力学,介质充当声波传播的载体,阻断声波会限制介质流动,从而影响通流散热性能。作为一个具体实用性的研究课题,学者们在解决降噪与通流散热之间的矛盾方面付出了巨大的努力。然而,现有的方案无法兼顾低频宽带声波抑制与高通量介质流动,无法满足大型动力装备的噪声控制需求。创新成果针对以上问题,黄震宇团队提出了一种基于变换声学的超屏障(Meta-barrier),用于实现低频宽带降噪,同时保持高通量介质流动。所提出的超屏障由内部空气核心和由具有高阻尼耗散的双负声学超材料制成的涂层组成。与传统屏障不同,超屏障具有远超过其实际尺寸的散射截面,使其能够在增强的阻挡效应之外提供相干干涉效应。而相干干涉效应则可直接降低由开孔辐射的声波辐射效率。此外,涂层中固有的材料阻尼在宽频范围内对超屏障的降噪性能具有积极影响。论文详细推导了超屏障的构成参数,并给出了超屏障与开孔之间的多重散射现象的理论描述。基于有限元数值模型,演示了在大放置距离和宽入射角的情况下超屏障的稳健降噪性能。制备的元屏障样件,具备75%的风速比,可以在500–1000Hz的频率范围内实现卓越的透射声衰减。这项工作对基于变换声学的无源声学装置的设计和开发具有极大的启发和推动作用。变换声学的基本原理是通过数学变换,通常为坐标变换,来设计声学材料或结构,从而实现对声波传播的控制。变换声学是一个跨学科的研究领域,它结合了数学、物理和工程学的知识,为声波的控制和应用提供了新的可能性。随着声学超材料技术的发展,变换声学有望在未来的声学研究和应用中发挥更大的作用。这项工作可视为基于变换声学的超屏障实现低频宽带降噪和高效通流应用的前奏。后续研究工作包括使用更多的单元组成层来构建双负声学超材料涂层以接近连续梯度阻抗,制造三维超屏障并在真实房间尺度进行试验验证,平面结构形式设计的超屏障以减少空间占用,并寻求更容易生产和更具成本效益的制造超屏障的技术以促进其实际应用。 查看详细>>

来源:上海交通大学 点击量: 232

4 2024-06-11

自从1986年铜氧化物高温超导体被发现以来,凝聚态物理学界就致力于在相似结构的镍氧化物中探测可能存在的高温超导体。2023年,中山大学王猛研究组发现双层镍氧化物单晶La3Ni2O7-δ在高压下具有高达80K的超导转变温度,迅速引起了学术界的广泛兴趣。然而,该体系中较小的超导相比例表明其中可能具有较强的空间不均匀性和电子相分离,因此需要一种局域探测手段来区分样品中的不同相及对应的电子结构。近日,清华大学物理系王亚愚研究组合作利用扫描透射电子显微镜(STEM)和电子能量损失谱(EELS)技术,揭示了La3Ni2O7-δ单晶中氧原子空位的特征及其对电子结构的影响。该研究开发了新的能量过滤多片层电子叠层衍射成像技术,成功实现了La3Ni2O7-δ中氧原子空位的原子尺度高精度定量表征。电子叠层衍射(MEP)成像技术是近年来电子显微学领域的重要进展,陈震此前主导了该技术的突破,实现了优于20皮米的横向分辨率和纳米级别的纵向分辨率。MEP原理上可以用于确定局域原子空位和掺杂原子的数目,但这种定量测量此前尚未在实验中实现。该研究通过引入电子能量过滤器,过滤掉成像中的非弹性散射电子,极大地提高了重构图像的精度,首次实现了原子尺度氧空位含量的精确测量。La3Ni2O7-δ的晶胞由两层NiO2面组成,而氧原子占据三个不等价的位置:外部顶点位(位于NiO2面外侧)、平面位(位于NiO2面内)、内部顶点位(位于两层NiO2面之间)(图1a)。值得注意的是,内部顶点氧连接相邻两层NiO2面,为3dz2电子提供层间耦合和超交换作用,可能是形成高温超导相的一个重要因素。该研究利用MEP直接观测到样品中氧空位的存在(图1b),并发现氧空位主要存在于内部顶点位上,而且样品不同区域的氧含量在纳米尺度出现明显区别(图1b对应样品区域的氧空位含量统计结果见图1c)。进一步分析成像区域的EELS谱发现,对应氧原子轨道空穴型电子态的O-K边前置峰强度随着氧空位的增加而逐渐减弱,直至完全消失(图2a)。因此,氧空位诱导的掺杂电子主要占据O-2p轨道的空穴态,而非进入空的Ni-3d轨道。这意味着La3Ni2O7包含强的基态O-2p轨道成分和p-d轨道杂化(图2b),因此在强关联氧化物的分类中处于电荷转移区间,而此前发现的无限层镍基超导体RNiO2(Tc≈20 K)处于相反的Mott-Hubbard区间。由此表明La3Ni2O7更加接近铜氧化物高温超导体,可能与其较高的超导转变温度密切相关。另一方面,大视场下O-K边前置峰强度的测量进一步证实了该体系氧含量在纳米尺度具有显著不均匀性(图2c),可能是其超导相比例较小的成因。研究进一步利用STEM-EELS的原子级空间分辨率,揭示了不同氧原子位的2p轨道空穴态密度分布。如图3a-b所示,O-K边的前置峰主要存在于内部顶点氧和平面氧上,其强度随着氧空位含量增加同步减弱。因此,氧原子上的空穴态主要存在于面内和内部顶点氧上,而掺杂的电子也等权重地分布在这两个位置上,说明在这两个氧位上存在强p-d轨道杂化和共价性,如图3c所示。这也意味着在与La3Ni2O7相关的有效模型中,有必要考虑来自这两个位置的O-2p轨道的贡献。研究首次在原子尺度精确测量了氧化物中氧空位的含量,进而将La3Ni2O7-δ中局域氧含量和电子结构直接关联起来,证明体系中存在强p-d轨道杂化和电荷转移机制,为镍基高温超导机理的研究提供了重要的实验依据。同时,研究也发展了一种精确测定原子尺度轻元素含量的技术,为固体材料中普遍存在的原子缺陷提供了一种新的定量表征工具。6月5日,相关研究成果以“La3Ni2O7-δ中氧空位和自掺杂配体空穴的可视化”(Visualization of oxygen vacancies and self-doped ligand holes in La3Ni2O7-δ)为题发表在《自然》(Nature)杂志。 查看详细>>

来源:清华大学 点击量: 137

5 2024-06-10

抗生素被用于治疗危及生命的感染已有近百年,随着日益增加的耐药性细菌的出现,传统疗法对耐药细菌感染已不再有效,抗生素耐药性危机已成为亟待解决的全球健康问题,迫切需要新的下一代抗菌药物(以核酸和肽为基础)的发现方法。抗菌肽(AMP)存在于所有生命领域,能够导致细胞裂解从而完全杀死或抑制微生物生长。与传统的广谱抗生素相比,AMP更具针对性,且其耐药性演变速度很低,有望成为一种潜在的治疗方法。近日,复旦大学类脑智能科学与技术研究院(下文简称“类脑研究院”)青年研究员路易斯·佩德罗·科埃略(Luis Pedro Coelho)、名誉教授皮尔·伯克(Peer Bork)、特聘教授赵兴明团队与来自美国与德国的科学家将人工智能与生物医学交叉融合,从全球微生物组中预测近100万种新型抗菌肽。相关成果以《利用机器学习发现全球微生物组中的抗菌肽》(“Discovery of antimicrobial peptides in the global microbiome with machine learning”)为题,在《细胞》(Cell)主刊上发表。在研究中,团队提出了一种针对微生物多肽识别的机器学习算法,可大大降低抗菌肽(AMP)识别的假阳性率。基于该机器学习算法,研究团队从来自环境和宿主相关栖息地的全球63,410个宏基因组和87,920个高质量细菌与古菌基因组预测得到了近100万种新型非冗余抗菌肽,并建立了AMP综合数据资源(AMPSphere)。研究发现,AMP的产生特定于栖息地,且其功效表现出菌株特异性。研究团队测试了100种合成的AMP对11种临床相关致病菌株和人类肠道共生菌的作用,共有79种AMP表现出针对病原体和/或共生菌的抗菌活性,其中63种AMP成功抑制了被认为是公共卫生问题的ESKAPEE病原体的生长。此外,研究团队在小鼠感染模型中发现一些AMP具有抗感染功效,相当于临床前小鼠模型中的多粘菌素B(一种商业临床抗生素,同样是AMP)。该研究证明了人工智能方法从全球微生物组中识别功能性AMP的潜力,研究团队提出的该AMPSphere数据库为微生物领域研究提供了宝贵资源,这些研究发现对于理解抗菌肽的起源和作用机制具有重要意义,为未来抗菌药物的研发迈出了重要一步,为人类健康研究提供了重要贡献。近年来,人工智能技术蓬勃发展,已广泛地应用于生物学、神经科学、医学等领域,在蛋白质结构预测、生物基础大模型建立、生物医学图像识别等方面取得了新突破。复旦大学类脑研究院生物医学人工智能(BioMed AI)团队长期聚焦于人工智能与生物医学交叉研究,团队负责人为复旦大学特聘教授、上海市生物信息学学会理事长、类脑智能科学与技术研究院副院长、计算神经科学与类脑智能教育部重点实验室副主任赵兴明。此前,在生物医学大数据方面,团队已构建了首个全球微生物基因目录,成果刊发于《自然》主刊,构建了中国人肠道病毒组目录,在国际率先提出了人体真菌肠型的概念并揭示了人类四种真菌“肠型”结构等。与此同时,团队还针对生物医学大数据开发了一系列人工智能算法与工具,如宏基因组组装错误识别与矫正算法metaMIC、基于sMRI的多模态PET指标预测方法等,并成功应用于微生物组学、基因组学、影像组学等不同场景。本次研究成果为团队将人工智能算法应用于微生物组学的里程碑式进展。据赵兴明介绍,未来,团队将继续聚焦人工智能与生物医学大数据交叉领域的研究,“比如基于中国人肠道病毒组目录开发人工智能算法与工具,进行相关微生物大模型的训练”,在AI for Science的前沿持续探索。 查看详细>>

来源:复旦大学 点击量: 82

6 2024-06-05

When Tomás Vega SM’19 was 5years old,he began to stutter.The experience gave him an appreciation for the adversity that can come with adisability.It also showed him the power of technology.“A keyboard and amouse were outlets,”Vega says.“They allowed me to be fluent in the things Idid.I was able to transcend my limitations in away,so Ibecame obsessed with human augmentation and with the concept of cyborgs.I also gained empathy.I think we all have empathy,but we apply it according to our own experiences.”Vega has been using technology to augment human capabilities ever since.He began programming when he was 12.In high school,he helped people manage disabilities including hand impairments and multiple sclerosis.In college,first at the University of California at Berkeley and then at MIT,Vega built technologies that helped people with disabilities live more independently.Today Vega is the co-founder and CEO of Augmental,a startup deploying technology that lets people with movement impairments seamlessly interact with their personal computational devices.Augmental’s first product is the MouthPad,which allows users to control their computer,smartphone,or tablet through tongue and head movements.The MouthPad’s pressure-sensitive touch pad sits on the roof of the mouth,and,working with apair of motion sensors,translates tongue and head gestures into cursor scrolling and clicks in real time via Bluetooth.“We have abig chunk of the brain that is devoted to controlling the position of the tongue,”Vega explains.“The tongue comprises eight muscles,and most of the muscle fibers are slow-twitch,which means they don’t fatigue as quickly.So,I thought why don’t we leverage all of that?”People with spinal cord injuries are already using the MouthPad every day to interact with their favorite devices independently.One of Augmental’s users,who is living with quadriplegia and studying math and computer science in college,says the device has helped her write math formulas and study in the library—use cases where other assistive speech-based devices weren’t appropriate.“She can now take notes in class,she can play games with her friends,she can watch movies or read books,”Vega says.“She is more independent.Her mom told us that getting the MouthPad was the most significant moment since her injury.”That’s the ultimate goal of Augmental:to improve the accessibility of technologies that have become an integral part of our lives.“We hope that aperson with asevere impairment can be as competent using aphone or tablet as somebody using their hands,”Vega says. 查看详细>>

来源:麻省理工学院 点击量: 23

7 2024-06-05

A groundbreaking method of detecting high-frequency gravitational waves(HFGWs)has been proposed by aresearch team led by Prof.Tao LIU,Associate Professor from the Department of Physics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST).The team‘s innovative approach may enable the successful detection of HFGWs by utilizing existing and technologically feasible astronomical telescopes in planetary magnetosphere,opening up new possibilities for studying the early universe and violent cosmic events in an effective and technically viable way.Gravitational waves(GWs)are produced by various astronomical phenomena,such as phase transitions in the early universe and collisions of primordial black holes.However,their effects are extremely weak and have been discovered only in relatively low frequency band using the method of interferometry.Observing the universe using GWs thus presents significant technological challenges,particularly in probing the high-frequency band above one kilohertz,where the usage of interferometry becomes strongly restricted.To address this difficulty,Prof.Tao LIU and his postdoctoral fellow Dr.Chen ZHANG have collaborated with Prof.Jing REN from the Institute of High Energy Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences,and achieved asignificant breakthrough in their recent study.The research capitalizes on the intriguing physical effect that GWs residing within amagnetic field can be converted to potentially detectable electromagnetic waves.By leveraging the extended paths within planetary magnetosphere,the conversion efficiency is increased,yielding more signals of electromagnetic waves.The detection capability can be further enhanced for telescopes with awide field of view because of the expansive angular distribution of signal flux within such aplanet laboratory.This innovative method allows asingle astronomical telescope to function as adetector for GW signals.By combining multiple telescopes,a wide coverage of HFGW frequencies,ranging from megahertz to 10^28 hertz,can be achieved.This frequency range is equivalent to the electromagnetic spectrum used in astronomical observations and includes alarge portion that has never been explored in the detection of GWs before.The study provides an initial assessment of sensitivity for satellite-based detectors in low Earth orbit and ongoing missions within Jupiter‘s magnetosphere.The research was published in Physical Review Letters in March and was subsequently highlighted by Nature Astronomy in an article titled“Planet-sized laboratories offer cosmological insights”in May.This emphasizes the significance of the research in paving the way for future studies into novel GW detection technologies. 查看详细>>

来源:香港科技大学 点击量: 22

8 2024-06-05

近日,清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心助理教授王珺与美国纽约大学以及弗莱替伦(Flatiron)研究所合作者在快速算法研究领域取得新进展。研究团队融合了快速算法领域的多种思想方法和新近成果,设计出快速高斯变换的新型算法,同时首次实现了在快速算法内部进行自适应网格的选取。高斯变换或其离散形式是应用与计算数学中常见的计算任务,在微分方程数值解、统计学、图像处理等诸多领域中均有广泛的应用。自上世纪九十年代以来,快速高斯变换作为快速算法领域的一个重要问题得到广泛研究。该研究旨在将高斯变换的时间复杂度从O(MN)(假设在N个格点上计算M个高斯程序的和)降至O(M+N),并在此基础上尽可能地提高实际计算效率。快速高斯变换的早期算法包括基于埃尔米特(Hermite)展开的单层算法、基于傅立叶方法的“扫描”算法等。但实际应用中,上述算法在实际计算效率、自适应性、对参数的依赖性、鲁棒性等方面仍具有一定的瓶颈,限制了算法的使用范围。研究团队融合了快速算法领域的多种思想方法和最新研究成果,如单层算法中的平面波展开(plane wave expansion)、快速多极子算法的多层树结构与“近场”和“远场”的分治与转换、“近场”计算的非均匀傅立叶变换(NUFFT)方法等,设计出快速高斯变换的新型算法,最终达到了大于等于快速傅立叶变换(FFT)的平均计算效率。不同于FFT,新型快速高斯变换天然支持自适应网格,这在需要非均匀计算网格的实际问题中至关重要。该算法还首次实现了在快速算法内部进行自适应网格的选取,即:用户仅需要输入给定网格上被精确表示的分布f(x),算法(以可忽略的时间)自动调整网格,并返回其上精确表示的积分变换,这极大地增强了算法的鲁棒性。正如期刊编辑在推荐语中所说,该算法除了精巧的算法结构和多种数学工具的综合应用之外,还为多项后续研究奠定了基础。清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心的王珺研究小组正在开展基于该项研究成果的扩散问题、流体力学问题的相关研究。算法对应的科学计算软件包(实现了基于OpenMP的并行)将在近期发布。相关研究成果以“离散与连续型高斯变换的新型自适应快速算法”(A New Version of the Adaptive Fast Gauss Transform for Discrete and Continuous Sources)为题发表于《美国工业和应用数学会评论》(SIAM Review)的“热点研究(Research Spotlight)”版面。 查看详细>>

来源:清华大学 点击量: 37

9 2024-06-04

Deep brain stimulation,by implanted electrodes that deliver electrical pulses to the brain,is often used to treat Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders.However,the electrodes used for this treatment can eventually corrode and accumulate scar tissue,requiring them to be removed.MIT researchers have now developed an alternative approach that uses ultrasound instead of electricity to perform deep brain stimulation,delivered by afiber about the thickness of ahuman hair.In astudy of mice,they showed that this stimulation can trigger neurons to release dopamine,in apart of the brain that is often targeted in patients with Parkinson’s disease.“By using ultrasonography,we can create anew way of stimulating neurons to fire in the deep brain,”says Canan Dagdeviren,an associate professor in the MIT Media Lab and the senior author of the new study.“This device is thinner than ahair fiber,so there will be negligible tissue damage,and it is easy for us to navigate this device in the deep brain.”In addition to offering apotentially safer way to deliver deep brain stimulation,this approach could also become avaluable tool for researchers seeking to learn more about how the brain works.MIT graduate student Jason Hou and MIT postdoc Md Osman Goni Nayeem are the lead authors of the paper,along with collaborators from MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research,Boston University,and Caltech.The study appears today in Nature Communications.Deep in the brain Dagdeviren’s lab has previously developed wearable ultrasound devices that can be used to deliver drugs through the skin or perform diagnostic imaging on various organs.However,ultrasound cannot penetrate deeply into the brain from adevice attached to the head or skull.“If we want to go into the deep brain,then it cannot be just wearable or attachable anymore.It has to be implantable,”Dagdeviren says.“We carefully customize the device so that it will be minimally invasive and avoid major blood vessels in the deep brain.”Deep brain stimulation with electrical impulses is FDA-approved to treat symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.This approach uses millimeter-thick electrodes to activate dopamine-producing cells in abrain region called the substantia nigra.However,once implanted in the brain,the devices eventually begin to corrode,and scar tissue that builds up surrounding the implant can interfere with the electrical impulses.The MIT team set out to see if they could overcome some of those drawbacks by replacing electrical stimulation with ultrasound.Most neurons have ion channels that are responsive to mechanical stimulation,such as the vibrations from sound waves,so ultrasound can be used to elicit activity in those cells.However,existing technologies for delivering ultrasound to the brain through the skull can’t reach deep into the brain with high precision because the skull itself can interfere with the ultrasound waves and cause off-target stimulation.“To precisely modulate neurons,we must go deeper,leading us to design anew kind of ultrasound-based implant that produces localized ultrasound fields,”Nayeem says.To safely reach those deep brain regions,the researchers designed ahair-thin fiber made from aflexible polymer.The tip of the fiber contains adrum-like ultrasound transducer with avibrating membrane.When this membrane,which encapsulates athin piezoelectric film,is driven by asmall electrical voltage,it generates ultrasonic waves that can be detected by nearby cells.“It’s tissue-safe,there’s no exposed electrode surface,and it’s very low-power,which bodes well for translation to patient use,”Hou says.In tests in mice,the researchers showed that this ultrasound device,which they call ImPULS(Implantable Piezoelectric Ultrasound Stimulator),can provoke activity in neurons of the hippocampus.Then,they implanted the fibers into the dopamine-producing substantia nigra and showed that they could stimulate neurons in the dorsal striatum to produce dopamine.“Brain stimulation has been one of the most effective,yet least understood,methods used to restore health to the brain.ImPULS gives us the ability to stimulate brain cells with exquisite spatial-temporal resolution and in amanner that doesn’t produce the kind of damage or inflammation as other methods.Seeing its effectiveness in areas like the hippocampus opened an entirely new way for us to deliver precise stimulation to targeted circuits in the brain,”says Steve Ramirez,an assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences at Boston University,and afaculty member at B.U.’s Center for Systems Neuroscience,who is also an author of the study. 查看详细>>

来源:麻省理工学院 点击量: 46

10 2024-05-30

清华大学交叉信息研究院段路明研究组近日在量子模拟计算领域取得重要突破,首次实现512离子二维阵列的稳定囚禁冷却以及300离子量子比特的量子模拟计算。该工作实现了国际上最大规模具有单比特分辨率的多离子量子模拟计算,将原来的离子量子比特数国际纪录(61离子)往前推进了一大步,并首次实现基于二维离子阵列的大规模量子模拟。离子阱系统被认为是最有希望实现大规模量子模拟和量子计算的物理系统之一。多个实验验证了离子量子比特的高精密相干操控,该系统的规模化被认为是主要挑战。此前研究人员在Paul Trap(保罗型离子阱)中实现了最多61个离子一维阵列的量子模拟。虽然基于Penning Trap(彭宁型离子阱)可实现更大规模约两百离子的量子模拟,但因缺乏单比特分辨探测能力而难以提取量子比特空间关联等重要信息,无法用于量子计算和精密的量子模拟。研究中,研究人员利用低温一体化离子阱技术和二维离子阵列方案,大规模扩展离子量子比特数并提高离子阵列稳定性,首次实现512离子的稳定囚禁和边带冷却,并首次对300离子实现可单比特分辨的量子态测量。研究人员进而利用300个离子量子比特实现可调耦合的长程横场伊辛模型的量子模拟计算。一方面,研究人员通过准绝热演化制备阻挫伊辛模型的基态,测量其量子比特空间关联,从而获取离子的集体振动模式信息,并与理论结果对比验证;另一方面,研究人员对该模型的动力学演化进行量子模拟计算,并对末态分布进行量子采样,通过粗粒化分析验证其给出非平庸的概率分布,超越经典计算机的直接模拟能力。该实验系统为进一步研究多体非平衡态量子动力学这一重要难题提供了强大的工具。5月29日,相关研究成果以“一个具有数百个被困离子的位置分辨二维量子模拟器”(A Site-Resolved Two-Dimensional Quantum Simulator with Hundreds of Trapped Ions)为题,发表于《自然》(Nature)杂志。《自然》审稿人称为量子模拟领域的“巨大进步”,“值得关注的里程碑”。 查看详细>>

来源:清华大学 点击量: 95

